The Story of Anindya Bakrie Explores Vegas Loop by Elon Musk

Anindya Novian Bakrie di Vegas Loop.
Sumber :
  • Instagram/Anindya Bakrie

VIVA English Site – During a visit to the United States, the President Director, and CEO of PT Bakrie and Brother Tbk, Anindya Novyan Bakrie shared his experience of exploring the Vegas Loop tunnel belonging to The Boring Company by Elon Musk in Las Vegas.

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The Vegas Loop Tunnel is the idea of Elon Musk, who can't stand the traffic jam that interferes the productivity.

Anindya Bakrie wrote a caption on his Instagram post, explained that he was trying one of the breakthroughs or ideas from Elon Musk's @Boringcompany, the underground tunnel in Las Vegas.

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Beberapa waktu lalu saya mencoba salah satu hasil terobosan gila Elon Musk yaitu terowongan bawah tanah @boringcompany di Las Vegas,” wrote Anindya Bakrie in his Instagram account on October 2, 2022.

Anindya Novyan Bakrie di Vegas Loop

Photo :
  • Instagram/Anindya Bakrie
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Anindya Bakrie also explained that Elon Musk at least can't stand traffic jams because it can reduce productivity. So, Elon Musk built the The Boring Company or Vegas Loop tunnel to cut congestion and automatically speed up the journey.

Elon Musk paling tidak tahan dengan kemacetan karena menurutnya kemacetan bisa mengurangi produktivitas. Maka dia bangun terowongan THE BORING COMPANY ini yang juga dikenal dengan VEGAS LOOP untuk memotong kemacetan dan otomatis mempercepat perjalanan,” continued Anindya Bakrie's wrote caption.

This tunnel is called “Boring” because it is a drilled underground tunnel that is only enough for one car to pass.

In the uploaded video, Anidya Bakrie with the Las Vegas Ambassador @Rosanroeslani and @Sjkalla, went through the tunnel used a Tesla car.

The Vegas Loop Tunnel looks very eccentric because it is decorated with colorful lights on the edge of the tunnel.

During the exploration, the car twice stopped at the station which is located underground. Meanwhile, in total, this tunnel has five stations, two stations that are underground and three stations located on the surface.

In the upload, the driver explained that going through the tunnel only takes about 1 minute 20 seconds, while it takes up to 15 to 20 minutes if people walk, and if people take a car, it will depend on the level of congestion on the road.

At the end of his post, Anindya Bakrie also left a moral message from the story of the Vegas Loop tunnel so as not to be afraid to realize dreams as Elon Musk built the tunnel.

“Moral of the story dari Project ini adalah tetapkan mimpi besar, meski penuh kontroversi. Kemudian wujudkan mimpi itu,” Anindya Novyan Bakrie wrote the caption.

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