Five Most Dangerous Cities with Highest Crime in the World
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VIVA English Site – Crimes are continue to soar in big cities are indeed common. There are several reasons why everyone commits a crime, but the most common is the problem of economic deprivation.
Various forms of violent criminal activities make a place dangerous for both the residents and the foreign tourists that visit the place. It is to be noted that violence and peace cannot coexist together in an area, and criminal acts are considered potential threats to peace in any location in the world.
As reported by the Wonders List on Friday, September 30, 2022, according to the Citizens' Council for Public Security and Criminal Justice, six of the ten highest crime cities are in Latin America, and cities in Mexico dominate the world's most crime.
Well, here are cities with the highest crime in the world:
1. Tijuana City, Mexico
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Tijuana is a city in Mexico and has a population of about two million. In addition, this city has the highest crime rate in the world, murder cases often occur in the city there is almost every day news about murders in Tijuana.
The city's homicide rate exceeds that of warring countries such as Ukraine, Baghdad, and Somalia. The increase in crime is caused by drug cartels and random crimes.
2. Acapulco City, Mexico
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- U-Report
Acapulco city has a population of about 800 thousand. This city is also one of the highest crime cities in the world. Like other cities, Acapulco city also often hears news about the number of deaths. It is based on the number of drug trafficking and organized crime.
3.Caracas City, Venezuela
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Caracas city is the city with the highest crime rate in the world and one of the scariest cities in Venezuela. In 2013, there were 1,089 cases, an increase of 54 percent from the previous year.
The homicide rate in Caracas is almost five times higher than in New York City. The local government has not been able to reduce cases of violence in the city.
4. Ciudad Victoria City, Mexico
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Ciudad Victoria City has the highest crime rate in the world and Mexico. The city has a population of about 350,000 inhabitants. In addition, the murder rate in the city is frequent, at least there are almost five murder cases each day.
The local government implemented a security system by installing metal detectors in public places. In addition, the City of Ciudad Victoria is one of the cities that has low education and economy, causing an increase in crime rates.
5. Fortaleza City, Brazil
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Fortaleza city is one of the cities with the highest crime rates in the world and the highest in Brazil. In a Global Peace Index report, researchers have concluded that the city's homicide rate is 102 per month.
Homicide cases in the city have been twice that of other Brazilian cities, Rio De Janeiro and Sao Paulo. Cases that often occur in the city are people use drugs and robberies.