List of Unusual Jobs with High-Paying Salary

Ilustrasi bekerja.
Sumber :
  • Pixabay/hamonazaryan1

VIVA – Work is one of the needs for someone. Usually, people will look for jobs that match their interests and desires. Having a job with large income is a desire for everyone even if they have to do unusual jobs.

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There are many reasons why people seek out unusual jobs. They may be tired of sitting in an office from nine to five, or perhaps, have lost their job and need to find a new career path.

More unusual jobs often provide scope for flexible working, which can appeal to those with other commitments such as family, or those who have creative projects they want to pursue at the same time.

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Well, there are some unusual jobs in the world with high-paying salaries.

1. Live Mannequin

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A mannequin or statue in the shape of a human can be found at a clothing store for all kinds of clothing. It turns out, for now, there's a job for someone to be a model or mannequin.

This job requires someone who can stand for hours on end. However, the cost of a live mannequin can reach 100 dollars or the equivalent of Rp. 1.4 million per hour.

2. Ice Cream Tester

ilustrasi ice cream

Photo :
  • pixabay/stocksnap

This job looks fun. Usually, this job is only for food scientists. Because food scientists have to judge ice cream based on its taste, color, smell, texture, and appearance. Usually, ice cream food scientists can be paid 100 thousand dollars or equivalent to Rp. 1.4 billion per year.

3. Golf Ball Diver

Turnamen Golf Indonesia Masters 2018

Photo :
  • ANTARA FOTO/Akbar Nugroho Gumay

When watching a golf game, sometimes the golf ball that is hit falls into the water. The job of a golf diver is to jump into the water and collect as many golf balls as possible that have fallen into the water.

This job is not as easy as it seems. This golf ball diver must be able to pick up a lot of golf balls, but also when diving into that must bring a large bag to put the golf ball in the water. This job also gets a fairly large payout that Rp1.4 billion per year.

4. Chat and Hug Service

Ilustrasi berpelukan.

Photo :
  • Pixabay/Publikdomainpictures

There is a job for a professional hug and chat service. These jobs can earn 80 dollars or the equivalent of Rp1.1 million per hour.

There are so many jobs like this in Japan, maybe the level of pressure at work. So many Japanese people need friends to tell stories.

5. Shopping Consultant

Ilustrasi belanja/sale.

Photo :
  • Freepik/freepik

Most people are very happy when they get a lot of clothes, but sometimes it is difficult to decide which clothes to buy. Becoming a shopping consultant must understand the client's dress style to make the right choice.

This job earns a pay of 65 dollars, equivalent to Rp. 969 thousand per hour. Usually, it is women who do this kind of work.

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