List of Haunted Schools in Indonesia, Possession Often Happen
- Istimewa
VIVA – A school is an educational institution that organizes formal education levels. A school is a place where students and teachers interact with each other. Schools are the second home for students.
But it turns out that in Indonesia there are schools that are known to be scary. It is spooky because of the appearance of ghosts and students or teachers often experience trance. Even though it is famous for being haunted, there are still many students who get an education at these schools.
Here are some haunted schools in Indonesia that you need to know.
1. High School of 5 Bandung
Ilustrasi kesurupan.
- U-Report
The city of Bandung is famous for the scary story of high school of 5 Bandung. The school, which is located on Belitung Street, Bandung has a ghost in the form of a Dutch noni-noni named Nancy.
The story is that the building which is now functioning as a school was the home of the Nancy family. At one time, there was suicide by Nancy whose love was not approved by her parents.
Until now, local people believe that if someone walks around the school grounds three times, then that person will see Nancy's figure standing in one of the windows.
2. High School of Tugu Malang
Ilustrasi kesurupan.
- U-Report
HIgh School of Tugu Malang is one of the favorite schools to get an education. However, this school has a scary story. Previously, the school building at Tugu High School was named HBS (Hoogere Burger School) which means Citizen High School, namely the Dutch High School. While AMS (Algemeene Middelbare School) is a high school.
There are several scary stories in this school, namely the appearance of bloody tiles, tunnels, and creepy halls that often bleed unexpectedly.
One of the students had seen the appearance of a headless soldier. The school has also taken steps regarding the appearance of a line of soldiers without a head with the sound of marching movements, namely that the hall is prohibited from being visited at night.
3. Vocational High School of 1 Kolaka
Ilustrasi Hantu Wanita
- U-Report
Vocational High School of 1 Kolaka has a mystery and is famous as a haunted school. In this school, the students often have a trance. In 2013, there was also a mass possession of dozens of students, and the story was very gruesome.
One day, suddenly dozens of students experienced strange things by shouting, throwing tantrums, and saying rude things. After being proven, previously in the school area, a new building has been built and is believed to be a former cemetery.
Not only the new building but according to local people, actually the entire school building was built on grave land.
4. High School of 3 Yogyakarta
Ilustrasi Teke-teke, urban legend menyeramkan di Jepang.
- U-Report
Yogyakarta also has a scary school, namely High school of 3 Yogyakarta. Besides being famous for producing outstanding students, it turns out that this school also has a scary mystery.
There is a room in the east corner, to be exact, Chemistry Class 1, which has its own story. In this room also often seen the figure of a woman with long hair and strange voices are heard every night.
5. Vocational High School of 3 Magelang
The spooky incident occurred at Vocational High School of 3 Magelang in October 2012. The students who had been quiet studying suddenly screamed hysterically and were possessed.
This incident lasted for a month and finally, the school called a psychic. The cause was also revealed, it turned out that the school had dug an air duct hole in the school area which was believed to be a burial ground.