G20 Delegation Plants Dozens of Tree Seeds for Cultural Heritage

Nadiem Makarim when plants dozens of tree seeds
Sumber :
  • kemdikbud.go.id

VIVA – The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) invited the delegates of the High Officials Meeting and the G20 Ministerial Meeting in the field of culture to plant dozens of tree seeds in the Kenari Courtyard, Borobudur Temple Area on September 12, 2022. 

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The tree planting was attended by the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, Nadiem Makarim.

Planting trees seeds are real action in strengthening the concept of sustainable living to recover together and grow stronger and shows the role of culture in achieving sustainable earth, and for cultural heritage.

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In his remarks, Nadiem Makarim said that culture is the main basis of life.

"Planting trees at Borobudur Temple also illustrates the unity between life and culture. Therefore, planting this tree is a concrete manifestation for Indonesia and other G20 countries to preserve our earth," Nadiem Makarim remarked.

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G20 Delegation in Borobudur temple

Photo :
  • Website/Kemdikbud.go.id

Director General of Culture of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Hilmar Farid, also the Coordinator of the G20 Culture Ministerial Meeting said that the tree seed planting activity was aimed at adding to the beauty and strengthening the G20 theme of culture for sustainable earth symbolically. 

"It can be an inspiration as well as an educational tool for the G20 delegates to restore the world starting with small steps," Hilmar Farid remarked.

In that activity, the Ministry of Education and Culture prepared five types of tree seeds inspired by the Lalitavistara and Ava dhana reliefs of Borobudur Temple, namely the Nagasari plant seed which symbolizes the palace and forest, the Pulai plant seed which means a tree with thick and sacred leaves.

Then, there are the seeds of the Tanjung Tree as a sacred plant associated with the Buddha, the seeds of the Tamarind tree, and the seeds of the Walnut tree.

The G20 delegates who are involved in tree planting showed enthusiasm when planting tree seeds using the shovels that had been provided, followed by watering water using a scoop from coconut shells.

"This activity is a symbol that we are united together to preserve the earth through cultural means to produce something good in the future," Hilmar Farid said.

"As a leader in the G20 Ministerial Meeting in the field of Culture, we hope that this activity can strengthen the essence of restoring and preserving our earth now and in the future," Hilmar Farid added.

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