Google Doodle Shows Lampang Rooster Bowl, the Iconic of Asia

Google Doodle Mangkuk Ayam Jago.
Sumber :
  • Google

VIVA – Today, Google Doodle shows the Lampang Rooster Bowl, the iconic of Asia. Doodle celebrates this traditional tableware from Asia. This design features a black-tailed rooster with peony flowers and banana leaves.

Dibuka Menguat, IHSG Cenderung Datar Menanti Hasil Lelang SRBI

Launching from Google on the official website, this durable kitchenware is so popular in Asia that the Thai government registered the rooster bowl as a Geographical Indication product of Lampang on this day in 2013.

“This means international trade law affirms the quality and reputation of rooster bowls made in the region!” As launched by Google on the official website on Monday, September 12, 2022.

Dibuka Menghijau, IHSG Dibayangi Koreksi Seiring Lesunya Bursa Asia-Pasifik

The rooster bowl was imported to Thailand and China. In the original artwork, the rooster represents hard work. Meanwhile, the banana leaf and red peony symbolize auspicious dreams.

History of Lampang Rooster Bowl

OJK Resmi Gabung dalam Global Asia Insurance Partnership (GAIP), Ini Keuntungannya

Mangkuk ayam jago merah.

Photo :
  • U-Report

In 1957, entrepreneurs opened many rooster kitchenware factories in Thailand’s Lampang province. The region, teeming with clay minerals, was better suited for ceramic manufacturing. 

When Lampang began mass-producing tableware with a rooster design, the rooster bowl became one of the best-selling products in the region, bringing financial stability and freedom to local people.

Although Lampang continues to produce chicken bowls today, few manufacturers can design rooster bowls according to traditional styles and materials, making hand-painted original chicken bowls a rare collectible.

The rooster bowl Google Doodle artwork was created by Helene Leroux. Leroux made a design of a rooster running in a bowl. Flowers and leaves were made flanking between the cutlery.


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