The Impressive Beaches in Lombok, Like Heaven on Earth

Gili Trawangan Lombok.
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VIVA – Indonesia is famous for having an amazing island. One of them is Lombok. Lombok can attract the attention of local and foreign tourists because of its beauty.

Located to the east of the island of Bali, turns out that Lombok has a lot of tourist attractions like heaven on earth. One of the attractions that people can find and enjoy on Lombok is the beach or island.

Tourism on Lombok is spread over four vacant districts, namely beaches in North Lombok, West Lombok, Central Lombok, and East Lombok. The charm of beaches or islands in Lombok is unquestionable for its loveliness, and it is a must to visit.

Gili trawangan

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Gili Trawangan is one of the famous islands in Lombok. This small island is located the Northwest of Lombok Island. Not only does it offer beautiful views, but visitors can also enjoy the beach by doing various activities.

On Gili Trawangan, people will find facilities of international standard because Gili Trawangan is very famous among foreign tourists, and the majority of tourists who visit are tourists from abroad. So, the services on Gili are adapted to the needs of these foreign tourists.

2. Senggigi Beach

Pantai Senggigi.

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Senggigi Beach is a beach located in West Lombok. This beach has a very beautiful view. The location of Senggigi Beach is near to Batu Layar Beach and Batu Bolong Beach.

The location of Senggigi Beach is strategic. Therefore, the area around Senggigi Beach gets special attention from the local government, especially in the field of development. There are several hotels and inns with price options that can be adjusted to the budget.

3. Kuta Beach

Pantai Kuta, Lombok.

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Besides Bali, Lombok also has a Kuta beach. This beach is located in the village of Kuta, Pujut, Central Lombok. This beach is one of the favorite beaches of local tourists in Lombok.

The attraction is in the form of white and slightly brown sand, which many consider being similar to pepper. In addition to the sand, this beach in Lombok also offers an interesting place to take a picture.

Lagi Puasa, Polisi Bikin Tilang Syariah

4. Pink Beach

pantai pasir pink puau komodo

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Pendakian Gunung Rinjani Ditutup Akibat Cuaca Buruk

Pink Beach or Tangsi beach is located in East Lombok district, precisely in Sekaroh Village, Jerowaru District. The attraction of this tourist spot in Lombok is the beach sand that when viewed from afar will look pink.

Then, on this beach, there are also high cliffs on the west side of the beach which make the scenery on the beach look more beautiful. On this beach, visitors can do activities such as swimming, snorkeling, or diving because the water waves are very calm.

Biadab! Yayasan Diduga Bawa Kabur Uang Donasi Bayi Kembar Siam di Lombok

5. Selong Belanak Beach

Pantai Selong Belanak

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Selong Belanak Beach has white and very fine sand. This beach is located in Selong Belanak, West Praya, Central Lombok Regency. This beach has two parts that are usually a place for tourists to occupy, namely the southern and northern parts.

These two sides are very different, in the southern part, which is occupied by residents who usually live on the beach, and have a livelihood as fishermen or seaweed farmers. The northern part of this beach is the only place where activities are usually carried out on the beach, such as swimming and others.

6. Gerupuk Beach

Pantai Gerupuk

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  • Panduan Wisata Lombok

Gerupuk Beach is one of the interesting natural attractions to visit in Central Lombok. This beach can give peace to visitors.

Many exciting activities can be done at Gerupuk beach such as photo hunting, swimming, playing in the water, and enjoying the beauty of the sunset. Not only that, this beach is equipped with high waves at certain times. It is the main attraction for tourists who want to do extreme sports such as surfing.

7. Sekotong Beach

Giri Sudak Sekotong.

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Sekotong Beach in Lombok is interesting marine tourism to visit. On this beach, there is also a Lombok Marine Cultivation Center as a breeding ground for various kinds of marine life such as sea cucumbers, lobsters, and another marine biota.

Sekotong Beach has clear sea water, and a cool wind. In addition, on this beach, there are also many high hills that can be used as photo spots.

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