Five Indonesian Intangible Cultural Heritage Recognized by UNESCO

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  • VIVA/Muhamad Solihin

VIVA – Indonesia is a country that rich in culture. Every culture is born from different regions and tribes. These cultures have their uniqueness.

Perempuan Berkebaya Indonesia Eropa Berkunjung ke UNESCO, Bahas Apa?

Many cultural heritages in Indonesia have been successfully recognized by UNESCO. As known, UNESCO sponsors projects ranging from regional history projects, and literacy programs, to cultural heritage collaborations.

Many know that Borobudur temple is one of Indonesia's cultural heritages recognized by UNESCO. Apparently, not only that, Indonesia has an intangible cultural heritage that is recognized by UNESCO as the following.

Bacakan Pantun dan Minta Kepala Daerah Patuhi Prabowo, Gibran: Program Prioritas Harus Kita Dukung

1. Pantun (2020)

Pantun ucapan Selamat Idul Fitri.

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  • U-Report
Tiga Warisan Budaya Takbenda RI Masuk UNESCO, Fadli Zon: Fondasi Identitas Bangsa

Pantun is officially recognized by UNESCO as an intangible cultural heritage not only owned by Indonesia but also by Malaysia in 2020. Pantun is a form of Malay poetry used to express difficult ideas and emotions.

Pantun has an a-b-a-b scheme which is usually read during wedding ceremonies, traditional rituals, and official ceremonies. Pantun offers a way of direct expression politely.

2. Gamelan (2021)

Pertunjukan gamelan

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Since 2021, Gamelan has been officially recognized by UNESCO as an intangible cultural heritage. Gamelan is a traditional Indonesian orchestra consisting of percussion instruments.

Gamelan is not only performed at religious ceremonies, theaters, and concerts but gamelan is also intended as music therapy as a means of expression and a way to build human relationships with nature.

3. Noken (2012)

Noken, tas tradisional dari Papua

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Noken is a woven bag that comes from the multifunctional handicrafts of the people of Papua & West Papua. Noken has been recognized by UNESCO as an intangible heritage of Indonesia since 2012.

Noken is usually used to carry plantation products, and firewood, to baby carriers. Noken is usually using during traditional ceremonies as a peace offering.

4. Traditional Balinese Dance (2015)

Tari Bali

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  • U-Report

Traditional Balinese Dance is one of the Indonesian intangible cultural heritages that has been recognized by UNESCO and consists of three genres. This third genre includes sacred, semi-sacred, and entertainment.

This traditional Balinese dance is not only seen from the dance form, but also from the brightly patterned accessories worn by the dancers as well as the value of the dance which is inspired by nature, customs, and certain religious values.

5. Batik (2019)

Batik Singa Barong

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  • Batik Tulis

Since 2019, Batik has been recognized by UNESCO as an intangible cultural heritage. Indonesian Batik fabrics have various types of characteristics ranging from patterns to colors that are scattered in each region.

Batik is a cloth that is painted with wax using a tool called canting. The batik makers carve motifs such as paintings to create valuable and beautiful traditional garment products. Batik has been known to various countries as part of Indonesia's cultural wealth.

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