Four Deadliest Roads in the World, One Is in Indonesia

Jalan paling berbahaya di dunia.
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VIVA – Roads are a significant and fundamental infrastructure for development and technological progress. Roads are land transportation infrastructure which includes all parts of the road including connecting buildings, complementary buildings, and their equipment intended for traffic on the ground.

Curi 774 Kg Emas di Ketapang, Warga Negara China Yu Hao Dibebaskan Pengadilan Tinggi Pontianak

The use of technology is also beneficial for road construction. However, behind human efforts to use technology to continue to improve the construction of road infrastructure to facilitate human mobility, it turns out that there are some deadliest roads in the world and Indonesia is one of them.

1. Guoliang Tunnel Road, China

iPhone Makin Apes

Guoliang Tunnel Road, China

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The Guoliang tunnel road in China is located in Henan province, spans 1.3 km and has a width of 4 meters. Some roads are closed by roofs as high as 5 meters.

Gelar Rapat Pengurus Harian, Anindya Bakrie Ungkap Ragam Isu yang Jadi Sorotan Kadin Indonesia

This road consists of 6 small vacancies with narrow and winding roads also several blind spots. So, the driver cannot make the slightest mistake.

Although it is considered to have a spectacular surprise with twists and turns, this twisting and up and down is enough to make the driver stop time to go through it. Therefore, this road is included in one of the most dangerous roads in the world.

2. Karakoram Highway, Pakistan-China

Pakistan Route

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Karakoram Highway, is a highway connecting China and Pakistan with a height of 4,693 m. This road began construction in 1966 and was completed in 1986.

Beneath a mountain of snow more than 7,000 meters high, in here, time flows slowly and is swallowed up by the majestic peaks of the majestic mountains. Many fatal accidents happened there. In October 2018, 17 people died when a bus fell and the driver swerved along a highway.

3. Alas Roban Street, Indonesia

Alas Roban.

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It turns out that Indonesia also has the most dangerous roads in Indonesia. Jalan Alas Roban stretches for 54 km and is located in Batang Regency, Central Java. This line connects Batang with Semarang.

Alas Roban has the nickname as the Path of Hell. The winding path, tall trees on the left and the lack of lighting on the right make motorists who pass this route have to be extra careful.

This path is also famous for mystical stories and supernatural sightings. The teak forest area was once a dumping ground for the bodies of victims of the mysterious shooting, also known as Petrus, in the '80s.

4. Yungas Street, Northern Bolivia

North Yungas Road

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The road dubbed “Death Road” is the most dangerous road in the world. The road with sharp turns leads to the Cordillera Oriental Mountain in Bolivia.

Not infrequently fog and rain blocked the road. If someone makes a wrong turn, it can cause the driver to fall 4000 feet to the ground. Many parts of the road are not marked, so that approximately 200 to 300 people die each year.

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