Get to Know Five Level Traditional Philosophies of Limas House

Rumah Adat Limas
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VIVA – Limas house is a traditional pyramid-shaped house made on stilts. This traditional house of South Sumatra Province is built in storied. The collection of levels is referred to by the community as Bengkalis which has its meaning.

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The area of ??the Limas House ranges from 400 to 1000 square meters, often loaned by the owner of the house to be used as a venue for weddings and traditional events.

Almost all parts of Rumah Limas are made of wood. The choice of wood is not done without reason, but according to the character of the wood and the beliefs of the people in South Sumatra.

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Inside the Limas house, on the floor, some levels have their philosophy, which is called the kekijing room. Well, here’s an explanation related to the traditional level philosophy of the limas house.

1. Pagar Tenggalung

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The first level, called Pagar Tenggalung, is a large room without a dividing wall. This place is also used to receive guests who come when there is a traditional event taking place.

2. Jogan

Jogan is intended for male family members. In the division of space that is carried out very physically, it is intended to determine each activity that takes place at every level; besides that, it is intended to pay attention to privacy.

Rumah Limas.

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  • U-Report

3. The Third Kekijing

The third level is called the Third Kekijing. This room is more private than the previous two because this room is intended to be used by special guests when the owner of the house is holding a celebration or the host of a traditional celebration.

4. Fourth Kekijing

At this level, only good and authorized guests are allowed to enter. This level is used for people who still have blood relations with the owner of the house. This level can be said to be a big family community room when there is a celebration or traditional celebration.

5. Gegajah

Gegajah is the name for the fifth level. Gegajah has the most spacious room in the Limas traditional house and can only be entered by people who have the highest position in the family and people. Inside there is an amben room for deliberation and a bridal room.

Ilustrasi gempa bumi.

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Peneliti Pusat Riset Kebencanaan Geologi BRIN Nuraini Rahma Hanifa menyatakan tidak ada waktu pasti soal kapan gempa Megathrust terjadi di Indonesia.

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