Blue Light from Smartphone Can Be Harmful to Health

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VIVA – Blue light from a smartphone is known to be harmful to health such as obesity and psychological problems. It turns out that premature aging can be one of the risks of blue light from a smartphone.

An integrative biologist from Oregon State University, Jadwiga Giebultowicz explains that excessive exposure to blue light from everyday devices, such as TVs, laptops, and phones, may have a detrimental effect on various cells in our bodies.

"Cells exposed to blue light extend from skin and fat cells to sensory neurons. Our study suggests that avoiding excessive blue light exposure may be a good anti-aging strategy," Jadwiga Giebultowicz explained.

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In previous research, Giebultowicz and his colleagues have shown that stress-protective genes are activated when fruit flies are exposed to light. In contrast, those kept in the dark seemed to live longer.

Giebultowicz said to understand why high-energy blue light is responsible for accelerated aging in fruit flies, the study compared metabolite levels in flies exposed to blue light for two weeks with those kept in complete darkness.

According to the Express website on Wednesday, August 31, 2022, the research team found that exposure to blue light alters the levels of metabolites in the head cells of fruit flies.

Specifically, they found that succinate levels were increased but glutamate levels were lowered. The succinate is very important to produce fuel for the function and growth of every cell.

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Another finding was that molecules responsible for communication between neurons, such as glutamate, were at lower levels after exposure to blue light.

These changes indicate that cells do not operate properly after exposure to blue light which can cause them to age prematurely.

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"LEDs have become the main lighting in display screens such as mobile phones, desktops, and TVs as well as ambient lighting. Modern people are exposed to blue light through LED lighting during most of their waking hours," Giebultowicz explained.

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The signaling chemicals in fly and human cells are the same. So, there is a potential negative effect of blue light on humans. 

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