Epson Supports Marine Conservation Empowerment in Alor, NTT

Kangge Island, Alor
Sumber :
  • Arianti Widya's

VIVA – Epson Indonesia collaborates with the WWF Indonesia Foundation to empower marine conservation in the Alor Region, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). This collaboration is entering the second phase, which focuses on awareness about coral reef rehabilitation and marine tourism.

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In March 2022, Epson Southeast Asia announced a Partnership with the World-Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) as part of Epson's commitment to creating sustainable solutions and empowering people.

Epson Indonesia supports the WWF Indonesia Foundation to collaborate with local stakeholders in developing coral reef rehabilitation programs using the rockpile method. This initiative will pass awareness about Responsible Marine Tourism through Webinars and social media challenges with the theme Responsible Marine Tourism.

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As Managing Director of Epson Indonesia, Muto Yusuke said Epson wants to support development for the preservation of the earth together.

“This collaboration is a form of Epson's seriousness to support sustainable development. We want to invite all Indonesian people to start environmental care activities from the smallest level in our lives starting from the closest environment because protecting the environment is the responsibility of all of us for the sake of preserving our earth.” Muto Yusuke remarked.

Kisah Warga di Desa Banuan NTT, Tempuh 5 Jam Jalan Kaki Demi Dapat Air Bersih

Epson Indonesia Collaborations with WWF Indonesia Foundation

Photo :
  • Arianti Widya

Maritime tourism in Indonesia is growing very rapidly and has a positive impact, but without realizing it there are still opportunities for negative impacts, including increased volume of waste, pollution, and damage to coral reefs.

Alor is one of the areas in East Nusa Tenggara Province. Alor has very beautiful marine tourism but coral reefs in the area are being degraded due to climate change and anthropogenic (such as destructive and irresponsible use of aquatic resources).

Therefore, Epson Indonesia together with the WWF Indonesia Foundation seeks to provide education to coastal communities, especially the use of the Alor Regency Regional Conservation Area to help protect coral reef ecosystems.

The series of activities carried out by Epson Indonesia and the WWF Indonesia Foundation to save environmental impacts, namely through Webinar, Social Media Challenges, Visits to Alor, and a symbolic handover from the WWF Indonesia Foundation to Epson for supporting marine empowerment conservation in Alor, NTT.

On July 1, 2022, Epson Indonesia with the WWF Indonesia Foundation carried out the first series of campaigns by holding an Asik Disco Webinar which stands for Asik Discussion on Conservation of Our Surroundings with the theme Responsible Marine Tourism, realizing responsible and environmentally friendly marine tourism.

After that, Epson Indonesia and the WWF Indonesia Foundation in collaboration with invited the general public to take part in the Social Media Challenge by uploading Instagram Reels containing messages or tips to become responsible marine tourists using the hashtags #BeABlueTraveler and #AksiTemanBaik.

277 participants took part in this social media challenge and three people were declared winners who were entitled to get Trip to Alor Rewards.

Then, on August 25 to August 28, 2022, Epson Indonesia and the WWF Indonesia Foundation visited Kangge Island, Alor Regency, East Nusa Tenggara as the closing of the series of this campaign.

This visit was conducted to take a closer look at the rockpile installation that has been carried out as an effort to rehabilitate coral reefs and participate in coral reef monitoring with community groups.

In addition, the participants learned how to become responsible tourists through the Responsible Marine Tourism program by paying attention to the local environment, society, and culture.

"We invite all levels of society, especially tourists, to participate in protecting tourist areas which are our shared responsibility." Muto Yusuke remarked.

Muto Yusuke Gives the Projector to Teacher in PAUD Permata Bunda

Photo :
  • Arianti Widya

Not only that, Epson Indonesia together with the WWF Indonesia Foundation donated 1 unit of Projector type EB-E500 to PAUD Permata Bunda.

“Epson Indonesia itself also has an important role in dealing with education issues. So, on this occasion, we also assist schools around water areas in the form of 1 projector unit that can help their teaching and learning process to be more optimal.” Muto Yusuke added.

After that, as Site Coordinator for Alor MPA WWF Indonesia Foundation, Haries Sukandar gave a symbolic plaque for Muto Yusuke as the Managing Director Epson Indonesia.

“We are very grateful to Epson for inviting cooperation and partnering with us to support the sustainable goal of preserving the earth. Hopefully, this campaign can increase public awareness of responsible marine tourism,” Haries Sukandar said as Site Coordinator for Alor MPA WWF Indonesia Foundation.

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