Four Myths about Hiccups by Javanese Primbon
- Times of India
VIVA – Hiccups is a normal thing that happens to humans. Not only adults, babies who have only recently been born into the world can experience hiccups.
Hiccups is involuntary sounds made by spasms of the diaphragm. Hiccups is usually harmless and resolve by themselves after a few minutes. In some cases, prolonged hiccups that last for days or weeks may be symptomatic of underlying disorders.
According to Javanese primbon, hiccups have meanings and myths that people rarely know about.
1. Hiccups at Night
Apparently, hiccups at night have a sign that someone is thinking about the person who is hiccuping. Unfortunately, there are also those who say, hiccups at night are a sign of being disturbed by ghosts.
2. Hiccups Before Eating
Although this condition is quite rare, hiccups when you wake up are quite good. The meaning and myth of hiccups from this condition is that they will get happiness throughout the day.