First Aid for Snake Bite: Important Do’s and Don’ts
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VIVA – Snakes have a terrible and deadly venom because snake venom is a chemical compound produced by a special gland of a species of snake that is used to immobilize prey and defend themselves, it will be very dangerous if someone is bitten by a snake.
There are some dos and don’ts that can be done when providing first aid after being bitten by a snake because if someone give the wrong first aid, it can trigger swelling in the bitten body part and even death.
In addition, snake venom that has entered the body can risk spreading more quickly through the bloodstream if we react wrongly.
Some symptoms occur when someone is bitten by a snake, namely, difficulty breathing, some limbs being numb due to muscle weakness, a person will feel nauseous, restless, headache, and blurry vision.
Not only that, low heart rate and blood pressure, stabbing pain, throbbing, burning sensation around the snake bite marks, and pain all over the body.
Well, here’s the first aid for snake bite to do:
1. Position the body part where the snake bite is lower than the heart, to slow down the spread of venom through the bloodstream.
2. Snake bite victims are advised not to move much so that the poison does not spread quickly.
3. Wrap the snake bite with a clean, dry bandage. Make sure the bandage is tightly closed and wrapped with an extra bandage to keep it tight.
4. Call for medical or an ambulance.
So, here’s the first aid for snake bite to don’t:
1. Do not take painkillers, such as ibuprofen
2. Do not handle, wrap, or kill snakes because these reptiles can bite back. Even a dead snake can still bite
3. Don't cut the bite wound
4. Don't suck snake venom with your mouth
5. Don’t apply ice or use water to soak the snakebite