Check Five Myths of Technology that are Not True

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VIVA – Technology is an invention that can make human work easier. Until now, many technologies have created. Technology is often said to have clear and scientific facts. Not only facts but there are also many myths circulating about technology.

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Such as myths about the dangers of technology, myths about how to use technology that’s wrong and harmful, and several other technology myths. These tech myths may be disturbing for some people because they won't believe them. But some people ignore these myths.

Well, here are some myths of technology that aren't true:

6 Pilihan Obat Pilihan Radang Tenggorokan yang Cepat dan Aman

1. Charging Phone Overnight Can Damage Battery

Ngecas Hp

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  • U-Report
Kenali Penyebab Pneumonia Pada Anak, IDI Kota Rembang Berikan Solusi Pengobatan

The myth that’s most often circulated among people is that charging the phone overnight, will damage the battery. That's not true. Nowadays, most smartphones are powerful sophisticated electronic devices to charge excessive batteries.

Not because charging might damage the battery, but the cell phone battery will be damaged because it has a certain lifespan or cycle time. Usually, a battery that starts to fail will run out faster.

2. Airport X-Rays Can Delete Files on Our Devices

Perangkat laptop.

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X-rays at the airport can indeed detect objects in a bag or suitcase. However, many also think that X-rays can damage files on laptops and smartphones due to radiation exposure.

This is not true. X-rays are indeed a type of electromagnetic energy, and personal devices such as laptops and smartphones are advanced electronics.

But hard drives and memory cards such as flash disks will not be affected by X-rays. X-rays are not magnetically charged, and smart devices such as laptops and smartphones have no X-ray-sensitive parts.

3. A Large Megapixel Camera Will Produce Good Images

Lensa kamera mirrorless FujiFilm.

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  • VIVA/Muhammad Naufal

The fact of the megapixels in the camera is that cameras with high megapixels don't always produce better pictures. High megapixels on the camera can indeed make it easier for light to enter the camera sensor and will produce more colors.

But a camera that has more megapixels in a limited space, so the camera sensor often has the opposite effect. A lot of camera manufacturers are concerned with megapixels in cameras because they want to find ways to market their products.

4. Turning Off the Computer at Night for Better Performance

Ilustrasi komputer.

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This myth is not true. A modern computer for today will not be like that. For now, computers are mostly a much more reliable group of devices.

If people can use their computer several times a day, from morning to night, you're better off leaving it always on, or letting it go to sleep when not in use.

5. iMac and MacBook Not Affected by Virus

MacBook Pro

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The myth is that a computer with a Mac operation will not get a virus. This myth began to circulate when the consumer computer market was still in its infancy and users of computers with Mac operations were still relatively few compared to Windows-based computers.

Computers with Windows operating initially controlled more than 90 percent of the market, so many hackers targeted Windows because of its large number of users.

But now, many computers with Mac operations are also widely used in the market, so now many hackers are also targeting Macs. All operating system that you choose on your computer, can be exposed to viruses and malware.

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