Joko Widodo Conveys the Source of State Revenue in RAPBN 2023

Presiden Jokowi saat penyampaian nota keuangan dan APBN 2023
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  • YouTube Sekretariat Presiden

VIVA – President Joko Widodo targets state income in the Draft Budget and State Revenue or RAPBN 2023 of Rp2,443.6 trillion. The details of the revenue consist of tax revenue and Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP).

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It is known for tax revenues of Rp2,016.9 trillion and non-tax state revenues of Rp426.3 trillion.

In the Annual Session of the MPR/DPR/DPD RI on Tuesday, August 16, 2022, President Jokowi conveys that the government will continue tax reform.

"Mobilization of state revenues is carried out in the form of optimizing tax revenues and reforming PNBP management. To strengthen independence in development funding, we will continue tax reform," Jokowi explained.

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  • Youtube Sekretariat Presiden
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President Jokowi explains that tax reform was carried out through expanding the tax base, increasing compliance, and improving tax governance and administration. It was done to increase the tax ratio.

"The provision of various appropriate and measurable tax incentives is expected to accelerate the recovery and increase the competitiveness of national investment, as well as spur economic transformation," President Joko Widodo said.

According to Joko Widodo, efforts to increase PNBP continue to be carried out by improving the planning and reporting process using integrated information technology.

Then, strengthening governance and supervision, optimizing asset management, intensifying collections, settling accounts receivable, and encouraging service innovation while maintaining quality.

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