List of Countries that Have Good Relations with North Korea

Pemimpin Korea Utara Kim Jong-un.
Sumber :
  • KRT via AP

VIVA – Currently, North Korea has many alliances or relations. It aims to fight the United States that always interferes in the internal affairs of a country. The United States has become a very hated for some countries, including North Korea.

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Not only that, the United States has always supported Israel's actions against Palestine. The United States has always discriminated against Indians.

But it turns out, North Korea has the most human rights violations in the world, and it has nuclear weapons that are considered the most dangerous in the world.

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Even so, some countries still have good relations with North Korea and are alliances with the country led by Kim Jong-Un.

1. Russia

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VIVA Militer: Presiden Rusia, Vladimir Putin

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North Korea, Russia and Syria recognize the city's independence because it has been pro-Russian in Ukraine.

That's what made Ukraine angry and cut off diplomatic relations with North Korea. In fact, North Korea and Russia have warm relations, even though they broke down in 1990. But Vladimir Putin rebuilt good relations with North Korea.

VIVA Militer: Presiden China, Xi Jinping

Photo :
  • South China Morning Post (SCMP)

The relationship between China and North Korea is closest because China was helping North Korea in the war against South Korea. While South Korea was supported by the United States in the Korean war in 1950.

Both also build relationships through economic growth between countries. Regarding the coal trade sent from North Korea to Beijing, China. Meanwhile, China has almost fulfilled all the needs that exist in North Korea.

3. Iran

VIVA Militer: Ilustrasi perseteruan antara Amerika Serikat (AS) dengan Iran

Photo :
  • WGBH

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un congratulated Iranian President Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi on February 11, 2022. The congratulations were given in commemoration of the 43rd anniversary of Iran's Islamic revolution, it was broadcast live by the North Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

It obviously reflects the warm relationship between the two countries, which Kim Jong Un interprets as a joint struggle against imperialism. Relations between North Korea and Iran have been established for a very long time since April 1975 through diplomatic relations.

4. Syria

VIVA Militer: Presiden Suriah, Bashar al-Assad

Photo :
  • Middle East Eye

Syria is also one of North Korea's allies both countries are accused of developing chemical weapons. Although, the governments of both countries have denied the allegations.

North Korea established diplomatic relations with Syria in 1966, the two leaders also did not hesitate to praise and thank each other as reported by KCNA in 2020, Kim Jong Un sent his thanks to the Syrian president, Bashar Al Assad.

5. Cuba

Pemimpin Korut Kim Jong-un (kanan) dan Presiden Kuba Miguel Díaz-Canel (kiri)

Photo :
  • KCTV/Sumber BBC

The ideological similarities between North Korea and Cuba have made the two countries have good relations since 1960. Their relationship was made clear when the two countries joined Russia, China and Iran through their support for Cuba.

This happened during mass demonstrations accusing the communist government of not being able to handle humanitarian needs, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021 that was getting worse.

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