Jokowi Encourages Use of Unproductive Land for Avoid Food Crisis
- Biro Pres dan Media Istana Kepresidenan.
VIVA – When President Jokowi made a working visit in Central Java with the First Lady on August 11, 2022, he reminded citizens to use unproductive land for planting. For now, the world is experiencing a food crisis.
"We know that the world is currently being hit by food crisis. More than 300 million people are currently in acute food shortages, and hunger in several countries has started, started, started and if there is no solution, this could enter 800 million people will starve food and hunger," President Joko Widodo remarked.
Because of that, Joko Widodo asked the Indonesian people to be able to meet their own basic needs by planting on unproductive land.
"This is why we want unproductive land to be made productive. Chili matters, business, and this is why households in the village should be able to plant it. In polybags or in their yards, there is no such thing as a shortage of chili or the price of chili increased drastically," Jokowi explained.
According to Jokowi, one of the things that the Ministry of Agriculture is currently working on utilizing land that was previously unproductive. Unproductive land is now being productive to grow useful plants.
Presiden Jokowi Ikut Menanam Jagung di Kabupaten Sorong, Papua Barat
- Agus Suparto/ Fotografer Presiden
"Planted like we are doing now. Early coconut that will produce 2 years, 2.5 years, a year can produce 180 pieces of one tree. That one can be made of palm sugar, coconut oil can also be sold, which can also be sold for fresh drinks, " Jokowi remarked
According to Jokowi, the government is developing the early maturing coconut plant.
"Just like what was done in Solo Raya, in Boyolali we share 46 thousand, in Karanganyar we give 44 thousand and in Sukoharjo 110 thousand early coconuts," Jokowi said.
Joko Widodo conveys that the government will continue to use unused land to plant a number of basic commodities.
"It has just started here, later, in the provinces where coconuts can live well, we will plant them. The target is approximately one million mature coconuts." President Joko Widodo added.