Favorite Variety Tourist Attractions in Jakarta

Hutan Mangrove Jakarta, Pantai Indah Kapuk
Sumber :
  • jakartamangrove.id

VIVA – Jakarta is known as a metropolitan city because of its population and economic and social activities. Jakarta offers a variety of tourist attractions for people such as historical sights, nature, and others.

Tourist attractions in Jakarta provide millions of charms of the Capital. Not only modern tourism, but also provide entertainment, especially when the weekend arrives.

Here are favorite varieties of tourist attractions in Jakarta that are visited by many people.

1. National Monument (Monas)

Kawasan Monas.

Photo :
  • VIVA/M Ali Wafa

Included in the historical tourism category, Jakarta is famous for its National Monument icon or known as Monas. The construction of the National Monument was carried out to commemorate and preserve the struggle of the Indonesian people during the 1945 Independence revolution.

The Monas was a major project of President Soekarno that took years to build. Monas was finally inaugurated by President Soeharto on July 12, 1975 and opened to the public.

2. National Museum of Indonesia

Museum Nasional Indonesia

Photo :
  • vivanews/Andry Daud

National Indonesia is a place that stores around 160,000 historical objects from various ages, quoted from the official website. This building is built on a land area of ??26,500 square meters and has two main buildings. 

It is known that building A is used for exhibition halls, while building B, which is known as the Arca Building, is used for offices, conference rooms, laboratories, libraries and exhibition rooms. 

3. Museum of the Proclamation

Museum Perumusan Naskah Proklamasi

Photo :
  • VIVA.co.id/Isra Berlian

Before becoming the Museum of the Proclamation, this place was the official residence of the consulate of the United Kingdom. This building was also the residence of a high-ranking officer of the Japanese Navy, Rear Admiral Tadashi Maeda. 

Rear Admiral Tadashi Maeda allowed his house to be the place for the formulation of the proclamation text on November 24, 1992 and officially turned it into a museum.

4. The Old City Jakarta

Wisatawan menikmati kawasan Kota Tua, Jakarta.

Photo :
  • ANTARA FOTO/Aditya Pradana Putra

Old City is able to present a variety of history because it consists of the Fatahillah museum, the Jakarta History Museum, the puppet museum and many more.

Visitors to Old City in Jakarta can see a lot of live music, walk in the afternoon, play bicycles, take pictures with statues and more.

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5. Mangrove Nature Tourism Park 

Hutan Mangrove Jakarta, Pantai Indah Kapuk

Photo :
  • jakartamangrove.id
Polisi Cari Tahu Pelaku Pembuang Bayi di Kali Ancol, Telusuri CCTV

Included in the category of natural tourism, this mangrove nature conservation area is used for tourism and nature recreation. This place is located next to the Pantai Indah Kapuk area, North Jakarta.

This Mangrove Nature Park presents many instagrammable photo spots such as wooden bridges, inns made of wooden walls, or just taking pictures with the background of the mangrove forest.

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6. Thousand Islands

Kepulauan Seribu

Photo :
  • Pegi-pegi

The Thousand Islands in Jakarta is an option for people to spend the weekend. Pulau Seribu consists of a row of small islands. There are inhabited islands, there are resort islands, and there are private islands.

Most of the islands in this administrative area are indeed open for tourism activities, but there are also islands designated for conservation areas, as well as islands that are purely used for personal use by their owners.

The most famous islands in the Thousand Islands are Pari Island, Pramuka Island, Tidung Island, and others.

7. Ancol Beach

Suasana di pantai Ancol.

Photo :
  • VIVA/Putri Nur Ifdah

Ancol beach is never empty of visitors because tickets are cheap and Ancol beach allows visitors to bring food and drinks from outside. Visitors are usually amazed by the beautiful beach views and cool breeze.

8. Plataran GBK City Forest Park

Hutan Kota by Plataran

Photo :
  • VIVA/Muhamad Solihin

Recently, the Plataran GBK City Forest Park has become one of the favorite places for the community. The city park located on Sudirman street presents an open nature that can be enjoyed by many people.

Visitors usually enjoy live music, have picnics and see the views of the capital's tall buildings.

The location of the GBK City Forest is also close to the GBK outer ring road which is usually used for jogging and leisurely walks for visitors. So in addition to refreshing, visitors can also exercise here.

9. Suropati Park

Taman Suropati

Photo :
  • http://luruskanniatmu.files.wordpress.com

Suropati Park can be an option for people to spend the weekend. This park is surrounded by various trees and plants that are neatly arranged and beautiful.

In the center of the garden, there is a large fountain. This park has many facilities such as toilets, gazebos, and park benches. Not only that, Suropati Park also facilitates visitors with walking paths around the garden area which are usually used for jogging or leisurely walks.

Another uniqueness of Suropati Park is that visitors can see the artworks of the Six ASEAN Monuments made by artists from various ASEAN countries. 

10. Eco Park Tebet

Taman publik Tebet Eco Park, Tebet, Jakarta Selatan

Photo :
  • Dokumentasi Tebet Eco Park

This park, which was just opened in April 2022, has an area of ??seven hectares. This park unites the North Tebet park and the South Tebet park.

The union of the two parks is united by a reddish-orange bridge that is circular in shape as a symbol of infinity or infinity. That's why this bridge is called the Infinity Link Bridge.

There are various areas and complete facilities that can be visited, namely Tebet Eco Plaza Park or TEP Plaza, Thematic Park, Community Lawn, MSME Food Court area, Wetland Boardwalk, Community Garden, Children's Play Zone, and Forest buffers. The visitors can enjoy all the facilities for free. 

11. Ragunan Zoo

Warga yang sedang wisata ke Ragunan

Photo :
  • Istimewa

Ragunan Zoo is one of the family's favorite places to spend the weekend. Visitors can see animals at the zoo and provide educational value to children.

In addition, the many trees in the Ragunan Zoo area make the atmosphere very comfortable, and shady. 

12. Jakarta Aquarium

Peresmian Jakarta Aquarium

Photo :
  • ANTARA FOTO/Akbar Nugroho Gumay

Jakarta Aquarium is a tourist attraction that combines educational tourism with shopping centers. Jakarta Aquarium is located in Neo Soho Mall, West Jakarta.

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