The Four Most Terrifying Houses in Bandung
- Instagram Joko Anwar
VIVA – Indonesia has a rich history, from the sad to the terrible. Bandung is one of the cities in Indonesia that has a history or a scary story. In Bandung, people will find many abandoned places that give a horror atmosphere.
In fact, this mystical house in the city of West Java is often used as an idea for making horror films. Well, here’s a review of the most terrifying house in Bandung.
1. Octopus House
This octopus house is a building that uses the shape of a giant octopus that is right on the roof of the house.
There are several mysteries circulating in society, one of which is the most attached. This house was said to be the location of cult worshipers and dubbed the devil's church in Pasteur, Bandung.
2. Potato House
The Potato House is known to be haunted because it started with a mother who was boiling potatoes at night. At that time, her child accidentally entered the pot of boiled potatoes and died instantly.
People who pass through this area admit that they often see the appearance of a small child with a shattered face who is engrossed in playing in the yard of the most haunted house in Bandung.
In addition, there is often a pungent smell of rotten potatoes. So, this house is considered as a haunted nest.
3. House of Satan's Slave
Recently, house of Satan’s slaves has become very popular because of the movie Satan’s Slave. It turns out that the house has a strong mystical atmosphere. Once upon a time, this house was a villa belonging to the Dutch.
Many people often see the figure of the Dutch Woman in the voice of a small child in the house. This house also has an old well behind the house and rumor said it is a place for supernatural beings.
4. Ambulance House
Ambulance house is a house that has a damaged and old ambulance. The ambulance is parked in front of the house.
According to stories circulating, this house originally belonged to a family of Dutch descent who had a tragic accident that killed them. The ambulance was a silent witness and became the car that delivered their bodies to their homes from the accident site.
The next day, the ambulance was parked in the yard, but did not know who was delivering it. Some people have seen this car running alone without a driver.