Here are 13 Rare and Weird Phobias, People Rarely Heard of
VIVA – In this world, there are many types of phobias that are felt by a person. A phobia is an exaggerated and irrational fear reaction.
Fear can be a particular place, situation, or object. Unlike generalized anxiety disorder, phobias are usually connected to something specific. The effects of a phobia can range from disturbing to very disabling.
People with phobias often realize their fear is irrational, but they can't do anything about it such as fear can interfere with work, school, and personal relationships.
Here are rare and weird types of phobias that are rarely heard of.
1. Somniphobia: Fear of Sleep
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Somniphobia often involves an irrational and exaggerated fear of sleep. People who have this phobia associate falling asleep with death.
They are also afraid of losing time during sleep. Because sleep is so important to humans and has many health benefits, sleep deprivation in the long term increases the risk of colds, heart disease, obesity, and diabetes.
2. Caligynephobia: Fear of Beautiful Women
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Caligynephobia is a condition where a person is afraid of beautiful women. While it may be common for men to be intimidated by someone who is beautiful, those who suffer from this condition take it to the extreme. They experience numbness in the extremities, feel chest pain around attractive women.
3. Kathisophobia: Fear of Sit
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Kathisophobia is a specific phobia associated with the fear of sitting. People who have this phobia usually experience fear, extreme anxiety and anything related to panic such as excessive sweating, rapid breathing, nausea, irregular heartbeat, dry mouth, shaking, and inability to articulate words and sentences.
4. Geliophobia: Fear of Laugh
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Geliophobia is someone's condition where they are afraid to laugh. They also hate the sound of laughter from other people.
Some people just feel a little uncomfortable, while others can also start to hyperventilate. This may be caused by laughing at inappropriate times and as a result experiencing shame and humiliation.
5. Plutophobia: Fear of Money
Plutophobia involves the fear of money or wealth. Someone who is suffering from Plutophobia, often afraid of making more money, or being afraid of getting rich.
They are afraid of the money itself and have to deal with it. This phobia may stem from the fear of pressure and responsibility that comes with wealth or the fear of being robbed.
6. Dextrophobia: Fear of Objects at the Right Side of the Body
This phobia includes a strange phobia because someone who has this phobia has a fear of objects on the right. It is a form of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) centered on key non-social factors.
These phobias often tend to arise from previous trauma (usually physical injury) experienced in childhood. People with Dextrophobia cannot stand having objects on the right side of their body.
7. Siderophobia: Fear of Stars
Siderophobia is a condition where someone does not enjoy looking at the stars at night. They have a fear of stars that can lead to fainting, feel nauseous, lose control of their thoughts, have an increased heart rate, and suffer from panic attacks.
8. Ablutophobia: Fear of Bath or Cleaning
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Ablutophobia is the fear of bathing and cleaning. This is one of the strangest phobias that’s more common in children, and can occur among adults. A person with this phobia may have a traumatic past event about water or a fear of getting wet.
9. Arachibutyrophobia: Fear of Peanut Butter
Arachibutyrophobia is the fear of peanut butter. Especially if the peanut butter sticks to the roof of the mouth. Someone who suffers from this phobia will obviously avoid products that contain peanut butter.
10. Hylophobia: Fear of Trees
Hylophobia is the fear of trees, wood, or forests. People with Hylophobia do not grow out of this phobia. Their extreme anxiety can be triggered by walking in wooded or forested areas.
11. Optophobia: Fear of Open Eyes
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- Pixabay/ ShaunNameNotTaken
Optophobia is a condition where someone is afraid to open their eyes. This phobia makes a person prefer to stay indoors or in a dimly lit room.
It is difficult for them to carry out daily activities without seeing and opening their eyes. Optophobia is associated with generalized anxiety disorder and results from seeing or witnessing a traumatic incident.
12. Phagophobia: Fear of Swallowing
Phagophobia is a condition where someone who has a fear of swallowing. Phagophobia is usually triggered by a negative experience while eating. People who suffer from this feel anxiety and tension that causes their throat muscles to constrict.
13. Nomophobia: Fear of No Mobile Phone
Ilustrasi wanita bermain handphone.
- Kaboompics
Nomophobia is a condition where a person experiences excessive anxiety when not with a mobile phone. People who have one of these strange phobias are always checking their mobile phones and experience extreme anxiety if they are unable to use their mobile phones.Â