All You Need to Know about Zamzam Well, Past and Present

Petugas membagikam air zamzam kemasan botol ke jemaah haji
Sumber :
  • Reasahalharamain

VIVA – Zamzam water is known as holy water for Muslim. Zamzam water comes from a spring well located in the Grand Mosque area, Mecca, southeast of the Kaaba and is 42 meters deep.

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Managing Director of Zamazemah Company, Hasan Mahmud Abu Al-Faraj said, there are three Zamzam springs which empties into the Zamzam well which is located between the Tomb of Ibrahim and the Kaaba. The Zamzam well itself has a depth of up to 30 meters.

Initially, the managers of the Zamzam well were parents ranging from grandfather to father of current Zamazemah Company employees. This means that the work is inherited from their ancestors and fathers.

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The Zamzam well used to be in the form of an ordinary well, not using ceramic as it is now. A manually drawn bucket is used to draw water from the well.

Air zamzam dalam kemasan 5 liter

Photo :
  • VIVA/Dedy Priatmojo
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The water that has been in the bucket, then filled into a barrel or jug ??of clay that keeps the water temperature cool. The jug has a special sign in the form of writing the name of each family who works to manage the Zamzam well.

Zamazemah Company Executive Secretary, Abdul Basit Yahya Al-Mahdi said that after being filled into a large jug, it was then burned with bakhur, like charcoal but smells good.

According to Abdul Yasit, in the past every pilgrim who came, the owners of the Zamzam well or workers, brought a jug and a tossa, such as a glass or small brass cup and they gave it to the congregation one by one.

The Zamzam well has two springs in the middle which are connected to the spring under Hijr Ismail. Another spring is connected to the hills of Safa and Marwa.

Many pilgrims who perform Hajj and Umrah bring home Zamzam water as souvenirs. Zamzam itself has the meaning of many or abundant.

Until now, the Zamzam well springs are still flowing and become a souvenir for pilgrims from outside Saudi Arabia. Currently, the Zamzam water that pilgrims get every day is packaged in 330 milliliters plastic bottles.

The bottled Zamzam water is managed by the Zamazemah Company, a company given the responsibility by the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to serve the needs of Zamzam water for pilgrims.

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