Here are 5 Points of View about Ghost in Islam

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VIVA – Ghost can be said as a spirit that survive death to live in another realm. In fact, ghost is one of the most widely believed paranormal phenomena.

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According to Live Science, millions of people are attracted to ghosts, and thousands read stories on Reddit every day. For information, Reddit is a community or media platform in the form of an entertainment website that’s currently popular in America and Europe.

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Setiawan Ichlas Buka Islamic International Conference, Bahas Ketahanan Pangan

On social media, many content creators make ghost hunting content in horror places such as cemeteries, sacred trees, abandoned buildings to historical sites. In fact, the creators of this ghost content are able to communicate with the ghosts who watch over the horror place.

Quoted from the page, in the view of Islam, nature is divided into three parts: the world, the barzakh, and the hereafter. Three types of nature have their own rules.

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Well, here are some points of view about Ghost in Islam: 

1. No Connection between the Human Spirit and Life of the World After Death

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Islam teaches that death is the separation between the spirit and the body, and when the separation occurs, the spirit is in the barzakh realm or the grave and will not return to its original nature.

In other words, the human spirit that has moved to the barzakh realm will not return to the worldly realm. This is why it is called barzakh, which means the barrier between the world and the hereafter.

2. If People Sees the Figure of a Person who Has Died, It’s a Djinn

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If someone claims to have met the figure of a person who has died, it is actually not the spirit of that person but a Djinn who deceives by resembling a dead person.

3. People Can't See Ghosts

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Habib Nabiel Al Musawa explained, in its actual form in the Shari'a, people cannot see the form of ghosts, except in them there are Djinn.

Habib Nabiel also explained, the supernatural beings are not only jinn or ghosts, but there are also angels. Angels in their true form can't be seen either.

He added in the hadist, it is said that Djinn can transform into a black dog, into a snake, including into a human, 'but' if it turns into a human, a jinn cannot have a perfect form, for example, it does not have eyes, or does not have its head and others.

4. Djinn Can Be Fought

Ilustrasi malaikat dan jin kafir dampingi manusia.

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As reported from YouTube Duniajilbab, Ustad Zulkifli Muhammad Ali said, ghosts or Jinn can appear everywhere. Experts in the Sunnah wal Jamaah believe the jinn's weakest point is when they enter the human world.

In most people's imagination, the ghost can't be touched because it has the form of a shadow, actually that's not true. According to Ustad Zulkifli, when Djinn or demons appear in the human world, they are also included in the laws of human nature.

5. Ghost Can Be Killed

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Ustad Zulkifli explained, if Djinn come to the human realm, never be afraid of them. According to him, humans can kill ghosts if they appear.

"If you see a ghost appearing to you in any form, then humiliate him. Take any object, and throw it at him. While reading bismillah,” Imam Mujahid (tabi’in) said.

It’s related to the act of Prophet Ibrahim hitting the jinn in the place that is now used to throw the jumrah by pilgrims. 

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