6 Unreasonable Punishment in the School Around The World

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Sumber :
  • Pixabay/ken19991210

VIVA – School is a place where children and teenagers can get education. They will meet and socialize with other people and teachers.

Most countries have mandatory formal education systems. In this system, it’s expected that students can improve their abilities through learning activities at school.

New Zealand School Jakarta

Photo :
  • nzsj.sch.id

In fact, there are some students who are difficult to work with. Sometimes, there are some students who are lazy, ignorant, cheating, or rebellious.

In Indonesia, most teachers are able to deal with this kind of student with a fair punishment, different from the following schools which are able to give unfair punishment.

1. Use the Protective Funnel

A teacher in Florida punishes students for using protective funnels to give a deterrent effect and embarrass them.

According to information, this law was given to eight naughty students. After the teacher's photo got viral on social media, the teacher was fired, after a few months, the teacher ended up getting another job as a teacher at another school.

2. Searched until Stripped Naked

Wanita Asal Texas Ditangkap usai Benamkan Anak Palestina di Kolam Renang

An 8-year-old boy was searched and stripped naked at school after school administrators accused him of stealing money from other students but the money was found in the cafeteria.

Another boy in Texas was forced to strip naked and bathe in front of the school administrator as punishment for not keeping clean.

Miris! Pria di Florida Bakar Tubuhnya Hidup-hidup di Sebuah Toko, Kini Kondisinya Kritis

In another case, in 2003, a girl was searched and stripped naked after being suspected of carrying illegal drugs. However, she was not proven guilty and she took this incident to court.

3. Kneeling on the Peanuts

Ketika Petinju Raksasa Kabur karena Diamuk Mike Tyson

Kacang Tanah.

Photo :
  • pixabay.com/couleur

Some time ago a photo went viral on social media showing the legs of a girl after being punished for kneeling on peanuts for a long time.

Worse, she was expelled from school for taking photos of the injuries she received. According to information, a similar incident happened to other students at the school, including kneeling on dry corn and kneeling on rice.

4. Eating on the Dirty Floor

Ilustrasi makanan.

Photo :
  • U-Report

This unreasonable punishment occurred at Charles Sumner Elementary School in New Jersey, a student accidentally dropped a water jug ??in the cafeteria and was discovered by principal Teresa Brown.

Then, the principal punished students who spilled water by eating on the dirty canteen floor for two weeks. When parents find out, obviously, the principal immediately sued.

5. Kindergarten Child Suspended

Dua anak memperebutkan bola dalam pertandingan bola basket lumpur di area persawahan Desa Kesongo, Tuntang, Kabupaten Semarang, Jawa Tengah, Kamis (17/8/2017).

Photo :
  • ANTARA FOTO/Aditya Pradana Putra

In Pennsylvania, a preschooler received a 10-day suspension for threatening peers with his soap bubble gun.

He was accused by school officials who heard the child as if he was threatening with a gun, but when the teacher searched his bag, the teacher did not find a gun but only a bubble gun. However, the 5-years-old was still suspended.

6. Arrested by the Police

In Albuquerque, a city in Mexico, there was a  student who was arrested, handcuffed and sent to a juvenile detention center for belching in class.

Another story, a girl in New York was arrested and handcuffed for scribbling on her classroom desk.

Then in Mississippi, a state in the United States, a 5-year-old boy was expelled from school for not wearing the shoes the school wanted.

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