Nose-Picking Can Be Unsafe for Body
- U-Report
VIVA – For some people, nose-picking is an unmannered habit. But others think that nose-picking becomes a compulsive behavior. Actually, this habit can be unsafe for the body.
Nose-picking is a completely natural habit, even children who have not studied about social norms realize that there is a fit between the index finger and the nostril.
Unfortunately, the nose-picking activity has the potential to introduce germs further into the body or spread them around the environment due to dirty fingers.
Golden Staph (Staphylococcus aureus or S. aureus) is a germ that can cause a variety of mild to severe infections. Studies said that this germ is often found in the nose.
Around 22,000 breath cycles/day makes the mucus-forming feces form a biological filter to catch dust and allergens before they penetrate the airways where they can cause inflammation, asthma and other long-term lung problems.
Cells in the nasal passages called goblet cells produce mucus to trap viruses, bacteria, and dust that contains potentially harmful substances such as lead, asbestos, and pollen.
According to the website Science Alert on Friday, July 15, 2022, nasal mucus and its antibodies and enzymes are the body's first line of defense against infection.
The nasal cavity also has its own microbiome. Sometimes this natural population can be disrupted leading to various conditions like rhinitis. But in general, our nasal microbes help repel 'invaders', fighting them off on the battlefield of mucus.
Some people do nose-picking to clean the dirt in the nose but this will worsen the condition of the body.
There is also a risk of gouging and blistering inside the nostrils that allows pathogenic bacteria to invade the body. Compulsively harvesting mucus from the nose to the point of harming oneself is called rhinotillexomania.
There are also those who wipe it on nearby items. Some people who are more hygienic use a tissue to pick it up, and throw it in the trash or toilet.
That's probably one of the least bad choices. Be sure to wash your hands very carefully after picking your nose because dry mucus on your fingers will allow the infectious virus to stay on your hands and fingers.