7 Beauty Hacks that Actually Can Be Dangerous for People

Menggunakan masker wajah alami.
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VIVA – Many people, especially women, want to look beautiful quickly. Not infrequently, many beauty hacks circulate on social media such as Instagram, Tiktok, Youtube, and other platforms through influencers or people who actually don’t really understand about skin health.

Bocoran Skincare Masa Kini yang Dirancang untuk Tantangan Lingkungan Tropis

Without knowing for sure, it turns out that the beauty hacks that are circulating are not necessarily able to make the face in a better condition.

Here are some beauty hacks that can actually be dangerous for people, especially for beginner user of skincare and makeup.

3 Perawatan Pria yang Wajib Dilakukan Setiap Hari, Jangan Sampai Kelewat!

1. Use Wasabi for Acne


Photo :
  • http://www.bebeja.com
Tips Menghindari Iritasi Saat Membersihkan Kulit Sensitif

Wasabi acne treatment grew in popularity when celeb Farah Dhukai shared a video doing the DIY or beauty hack. But apparently, wasabi has no anti-acne properties at all. In fact, wasabi can actually burn your skin.

2. Setting Makeup with Hairspray


Photo :
  • Instagram @after.beaute

Many beauty blogs and online tutorials recommend using hairspray to keep make up from cracking.

Unfortunately, the use of makeup with hairspray can kill the skin. The varnish and alcohol in hairspray are drying and irritating. It can cause red bumps to appear all over the skin.

3. Use Petroleum Jelly to Grow Eyelashes

Ilustrasi bulu mata panjang.

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Outstanding beauty hacks using petroleum jelly to grow eyelashes. Apparently, these beauty hacks can cause milia, small cysts under the eyes. Even worse, it may cause cancer.

Although the carcinogenic components are removed from the oil during the jelly refining process, it is difficult to be sure whether it will be completely safe for eyelashes. 

4. Apply Lemon and Baking Soda on the Armpits


Photo :
  • stardaily

One of the nonsensical beauty hacks is to combine lemon and baking soda and rub it on your armpits.

These beauty hacks are useless. The mixture of lemon and baking soda can easily burn the skin. Even only using baking soda is dangerous. Sodium bicarbonate is known to cause rashes, redness and dryness and cracked skin.

5. Use Sea Salt as a Scrub

Perawatan wajah dengan garam laut.

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Scrubbing with sea salt can be dangerous because it can cause the skin to peel, scratch the skin and cause micro-abrasions. The skin will be much redder and prone to breakouts.

6. Use Dental Floss to Remove Blackheads

Komedo di hidung.

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Use dental floss to remove blackheads is a mistake. These beauty hacks can actually cause damage. While it may be successful in removing some blackheads, it will also open up larger skin pores and infection.

7. Acne Treatment with Toothpaste

Ilustrasi wajah berjerawat.

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  • U-Report

Toothpaste is full of skin-irritating ingredients such as peppermint, perfumed peroxide and alcohol. Therefore, treating acne with toothpaste is a mistake because it will cause burning, peeling, and redness.

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