Get to Know Some Mountains in Indonesia that are Rarely Climbed

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VIVA – Indonesia has incomparable natural charm such as the beauty of beaches, forests, and mountains. It is known that Indonesia has 139 volcanoes, therefore this country is the 3rd in the world with the most volcanoes as well as being nicknamed the Ring of Fire.

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Many people have climbed various mountains in Indonesia. However, in fact, there are still many mountains in Indonesia that are rarely climbed for reasons of being haunted or the mountain still shows volcanic activity.

1. Mount Masurai, Jambi

Komandan TNI AL Ungkap Pesan Haru Prabowo Dibalik Perintah Cabut Pagar Laut di Tangerang

Gunung Masurai, Jambi

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  • Twitter @Mapala_SIGINJAI

Mount Masurai is located in Jambi Province under the management of the Kerinci Seblat National Park Center (TNKS). Local people who live around the foot of Mount Masurai already know that the name Masurai means 'Decomposed Gold'.

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Mount Masurai has a height of 2,933 meters above sea level. Mount Masurai is a volcanic mountain which is still showing its volcanic activity.

2. Mount Mekongga, Kolaka

Gunung Mekongga, Kolaka

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Mount Mekongga is the highest mountain in the Mekongga mountains with an altitude of 2,620 meters above sea level which stretches on the north side of the Kolaka Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province.

This mountain is lined with rocks and Karts mountains. This mountainous area is a range of the Verbeck Mountains whose peaks consist of highland karst rock types.

3. Mount Halau Halau, South Kalimantan

Gunung Halau Halau, Kalimantan Selatan

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  • Twitter @selviamlda

Located in the South Kalimantan and located in three regencies, namely Sungai Hulu Tengah Regency, Sungai Hulu Selatan Regency, and Tanah Bambu Regency, South Kalimantan.

Mount Halu Halu only has a height of 1,901 meters above sea level, so it is relatively low compared to other mountains.

Uniquely, the starting point of the ascent altitude (the last village) starts from 200 meters above sea level which is typical of the mountains of Kalimantan, unlike other mountains which start from 1,000 to 1,500 meters above sea level.

4. Mount Tambusisi, North Morowali

Gunung Tambusisi, Morowali Utara

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  • Instagram @anakalammorut

Mount Tambusisi has dense forests and fresh air. This mountain has a height of 2,422 mdpl and it is located in the village of Tambayoli, North Morowali Regency, Central Sulawesi.

This mountain in Sulawesi has characteristics with an altitude of more than 2,000 meters above sea level, Mount Tambusisi has a heterogeneous forest that is wider than its homogeneous forest. This mountain is called haunted because it is said to be rarely climbed.

5. Mount Rore Kautimbu, Palu, Central Sulawesi

Mount Rore Kautimbu is famous for its beauty and endemicity. This mountain is one of the mountains often visited by local climbers in Palu City and has a height of approximately 2,400 meters above sea level.

According to the expedition's experience, the location of this mountain is in the Tinombala operation area which is closely related to acts of terrorism. Therefore, the climbers are required to report to the nearest police post.

In addition to security, this is to find out the latest information about mountain activities and avoid acts of terrorism in the area. 

The peak of Mount Rore Kautimbu has a triangulation made of wood and supported by a stone structure that is cemented, with the words ``Mount Rore Kautimbu at an altitude of 2,400 meters above sea level".

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