10 Interesting Facts about Cinema, Rarely People Know

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  • Times of India

VIVA – Cinema is a place where people can spend a long time watching their favorite movie. Watching movies in cinema can give satisfaction because of the sensation through the big screen and loud sound.

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When watching at the cinema, usually people will choose a seat in the middle or at the top, because this position feels right to watch.

Well, here are facts about cinema that are rarely known to people.

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1. Cinema Workers Always Clean the Room Cinema in Hurry

Ilustrasi bioskop/film/menonton film.

Photo :
  • Freepik/freepik
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After watching a movie and leaving the movie room, usually there will be workers who immediately clean the room even before all the audience leaves the cinema room.

It was all done in a hurry because the screening schedule between films was very tight. Floors are properly cleaned when all film screenings have ended. Therefore, it’s better for the audience to clean their own trash before leaving the movie room.

2. Put the Trash on the Chair

Ilustrasi social distancing di bioskop/menonton bioskop.

Photo :
  • Freepik/freepik

As explained in number 1, cinema cleaners prefer if the audience puts trash on the chairs rather than throwing it on the floor.

Due to the busy movie schedule, this makes it easier for cleaners to pick up trash that is placed on chairs rather than having to reach it on the floor and under seats.

3. The Best Watch Position

Ilustrasi nonton bioskop.

Photo :
  • U-Report

For getting the best watching and listening experience when watching a movie in the cinema, people should choose the first or penultimate row of seats in the center of the cinema. This is where workers sit to 'tune' the cinema sound system.

4. Seats “O” and “I”

Ilustrasi bioskop

Photo :
  • http://www.yoechua.com

If people look closely, it is clear that the sequences I and O are removed. There are some people who think there is a mystery behind it. 

However, the cinema explained that this was done to make it easier for visitors to find seats. Because the I and O alphabets allow misunderstandings and make visitors misread the numbers 1 and 0.

In addition, if the letter I is printed with a capital letter, it is similar to a lowercase L, while O will be similar to the letter D. Therefore, the two letters are removed.

5. There's Always an Expelled Spectator

Ilustrasi menunggu menonton bioskop.

Photo :
  • VIVA/Zahrotustianah

In the United States, almost every week there are always couples who are kicked out for committing indecent acts while watching. Almost all cinemas in the US are equipped with CCTV cameras.

The use of camera is for monitoring people who do immoral acts that make the surrounding audience feel disturbed.

This camera is to monitor those who commit immoral acts that make the surrounding audience feel disturbed.

6. Cinema’s Sound Can Damage Hearing

Ilustrasi nonton bioskop

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People watch movies in the cinema because they want to enjoy the sensation of sound effects that spoil the ears. But besides of it, the sound that is too loud like in action movies (bombs and war sounds) sometimes exceeds the permissible level.

Therefore, if people care about ear health, they should not watch action movies in the cinema too often.

7. There Was No Place to Put a Glass on the Watch Chair

Uniquely, a place to put a glass on a new cinema seat appeared in 1981 or 60 years after the first air-conditioned cinema opened in the US.

Meanwhile, popcorn began to be associated with watching movies in the US during the Second World War, when cinemas stopped selling candy because of the sugar crisis.

8. Popcorn in Cinema is Expensive

Ilustrasi bioskop/popcorn/menonton film.

Photo :
  • Freepik/freepik

Popcorn has always been synonymous with watching a movie at the cinema. This cinema popcorn has a slightly pricey than when bought outside.

In the United States, large popcorn costs an average of US $ 8 or the equivalent of Rp191 thousand. Meanwhile, if people buy popcorn outside the cinema, it’s only US $ 1 or equivalent to Rp14 thousand.

9. Smell of Popcorn


Photo :
  • U-Report

Popcorn in cinemas usually has a very special smell. There are two reasons why many people buy popcorn at the cinema.

Two of the main reasons are that there is a mixture of coconut and canola extracts and food additives in every popcorn sold in theaters.

10. Trick for Free Watching

Bioskop / Cinema XXI

Photo :
  • vivanews/Andry Daud

Watch many movies at once can be done for free or without paying more if people do this. Buy a ticket to watch a movie, after the movie runs for 15 minutes and if the movie feels boring, people can leave the room and move to another studio.

Because most of the time after the film has been showing for 15 minutes, it is rare for a cinema officer to monitor the audience who enters the cinema room.

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