10 Unusual Jobs in the World with Fantastic Salaries

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VIVA – Having a high paying job is everyone's dream. As long as the work does not violate the law, harm others.

Korban Tewas Coran Tower Bekasi yang Ambruk Sulit Dievakuasi, Ini Penyebabnya

But what if the job with the salary is the worst jand strangest job that people can't imagine? Well, here are the 10 worst jobs in the world that people need to know.

1. Animal Food Tester

Kronologi Coran Tower yang Ambruk Tewaskan Pekerja di Bekasi

Pekerjaan sebagai tester makanan hewan.

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  • U-Report

This animal food tester job requires someone to be able to taste and analyze the nutrients in it. In accordance with his unusual abilities, a food tester named Philip Wells claimed to have earned an income of US$ 68,800 or equivalent to Rp 1 billion.

Coran Tower di Bekasi Ambruk, Satu Orang Tewas dan 5 Luka-luka

2. Vomit Cleaner

Pembersih Muntah

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  • shineyahoo.com

Not infrequently, someone who rides an extreme ride in an amusement park will feel nauseated and vomit. In fact, many have already vomited before entering the bathroom. Of course, to clean things up, the amusement park will usually provide a vomit collector.

RHys Owen at England's Thorpe Park having a job to clean up the vomit of people who finished riding the roller coaster, he was paid US$ 25,000 or equivalent to Rp371 million/ year.

3. Deodorant Tester

Pemakaian deodoran.

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  • U-Report

Before being sold, deodorant must be tested first. One of these worst jobs is a deodorant tester. They ensure that the user of this deodorant does not have body odor after using the product.

The trick is to kiss the armpits of the participants. It is said that this armpit odor tester can smell 60 underarms in an hour. Sounds unpleasant but they are paid US$ 100 thousand or equivalent to Rp1.4 billion/year.

4. Dirt Cleaner

Ilustrasi kotoran

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  • U-Report

The man named Tim Stone revealed his work as a professional dog poop cleaner. His salary is also not small, which is around US$ 76,900 or around Rp1.1 billion/year. His job is to pick up the dirt in the garden and clean it up. In fact, he wrote a book so that people could be inspired by the business.

5. Buckingham Palace Guard

Buckingham Palace

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  • Royal.co.uk

The guards at the iconic Buckingham Palace must remain alert under any circumstances. They also often have to be faced with annoying tourists. However, their salary is estimated at US$27,400 or equivalent to Rp407 million/year.

6. Knife Throwing Assistant

The job of being an assistant knife thrower is usually accompanying magicians or performers who will throw knives. During training, of course there must be someone who becomes a 'victim'.

Obviously, not without risk, some of the assistants who accompanied them must have been injured because of the wrong target. According to a job advertisement, this profession offers a salary of up to US$29,000 or Rp 431 million.

7. Tower Technician

Teknisi listrik.

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A job as a tower technician requires not only mastering equipment but also being able to climb when it comes to repairing a tower. To ensure that everyone can use power or communicate smoothly, according to Love Money, the technicians for this tower are paid US$45 thousand or Rp668 million.

8. Paint Guard

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  • Pixabay

It is the painter's job to watch over the painted wall until it dries as desired. Researcher Dr. Thomas Curwen was paid by the company Dulux with a fee of around US$ 61,406 or Rp912 million.

9. Fart Tester

ilustrasi kentut

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  • U-Report

It is said that fart-testing jobs are in high demand in China. These fart testers use science and techniques from traditional Chinese medicine to diagnose patients' ailments from the smell of their gas. This worst job can reach US$6,000 or around Rp 89 million/month.

10. Podiatrists

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  • U-Report

A podiatrist is a specialist who treats male patients. Not infrequently they are faced with wounds and unpleasant odors, especially from diabetic patients. It’s reporting that their salaries can reach £126,000 or Rp 2,2 billion/year.

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