Diponegoro Hill: a Refreshing Place in Semarang Similar to Africa

Padang savana di Semarang.
Sumber :
  • VIVA/Teguh Joko Sutrisno.

VIVA – Semarang has many amazing tourist attractions to visit. If people go to Semarang, they will definitely know about the Tembalang area, which is close to Diponegoro University. In Tembalang, people can visit Diponegoro Hill. It is about five hectares. Many said, this hill is similar to Africa because of the wild nature that grows.

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Diponegoro Hill is also a military training ground for the Indonesian National Army (TNI). The hills are mounds overgrown with grass that is quite wide. The good thing is, the grass never grows wild and looks like it's regularly shaved with a lawn mower. In fact, that's because the buffalo around there always eat the grass every day.

Diponegoro Hill is more beautiful because it combines with the background of the sky and clouds. Added with the tamarind tree which in the dry season some of the leaves fall off. The blend is reminiscent of the wilds of Africa.

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Almost every day, many people come here, especially in the morning and evening. Most of them are students from Diponegoro University who spend their spare time enjoying the hill. Some are people who have a hobby of walking.

"Like what? Mmmm... the atmosphere is like in Africa or at least like in the mini version of East Java Baluran. Especially when a buffalo roams the savanna, it's like the wild, even though the location is near here," Silvia, a student at the University Diponegoro Semarang said.

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She came with her friends knowing this location during campus activities. Then, she also saw it on social media.

"It's most fun in the morning, there are buffalo roaming around. In the afternoon it's also good because you can see a round red sunset. If you are confused about campus assignments, you like refreshing here," Silvia added.

If people want to come here, the route is easy. From the Diponegoro University campus, just direct the vehicle over the red bridge and then towards the Faculty of Medicine. Later on, the right side turns and enters the Indonesian National Army (TNI) training area.

Another route, from the Faculty of Medical in Diponegoro University, turns towards the Diponegoro Hill housing estate. Arriving at the housing complex, visitors can ask people around about the exact location of Diponegoro hill.

Visitors can park their vehicles in the field, then walk along the road to Diponogoro hill.

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