Three Indonesian Women's Doubles are Ready for Malaysia Open 2022

Apriyani Rahayu/Siti Fadia Silva Ramadhanti
Sumber :
  • Viva/Rosikin

VIVA – The Malaysia Open 2022 badminton tournament will take place at Axiata Arena, Kuala Lumpur on June 28 to July 3 2022. Three Indonesian women's doubles pairs have revealed their readiness ahead of the match.

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"We are ready to compete. There will definitely be obstacles, but we take it as a test so we can play as well as possible. The field is windy and the ball can be fast sometimes, sometimes slow so we have to know what pattern to play. Anticipation is like that," Apriyani Rahayu said through the official statement of PP PBSI on Tuesday, June 28, 2022.

Apart from Apriyani, who will partner with Siti Fadia Silva Ramadhanti, the other two pairs are Ribka Sugiarto/Febby Valencia Dwijayanti Gani, and Febriana Dwi Puji Kusuma/Amalia Cahaya Pratiwi.

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As a new couple, Apriyani/Fadia looks like a perfect match. Previously, they had also recorded good results, such as the winner at the 2021 SEA Games in Vietnam, the finalist at the Indonesia Masters 2022, and the quarter-finalist at the Indonesia Open 2022.

"The target is definitely to give the best. We want to go to the semifinals first but we still have to focus on one match at a time," Fadia said.

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As for Febriana/Amalia, they are more focused on enriching the pattern of the game to face the Malaysia Open.

The results from the previous two home tournaments, which ended in the round of 32 and the last 16 are important experiences to continue to develop.

"We learned a lot from the results at the Indonesian Masters and Indonesia Open yesterday. In terms of playing patterns, we haven't been able to do many attacks," Amalia said.

They said that they had been practicing to add to their collection of attack patterns since last week. Although there is not many time, Febriana/Amalia try to make the most of it. Hopefully, they can compete better in Kuala Lumpur.

In the first round, Febriana/Amalia will compete with Francesca Corbett/Allison Lee from the United States.

Meanwhile, Apri/Fadia will be challenged by Stine Kuespert/Emma Moszczynski from Germany on Tuesday.

Then, Rebekah/Febby will only play on Wednesday against the hosts' representatives, Vivian Hoo/Lim Chiew Sin.

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