Sandiaga Uno Reveals Diversity in Glodok Chinatown Tourism Village

Sandiaga Uno
Sumber :
  • Budhi

VIVA – Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno visited Glodok Chinatown Tourism Village on June 26, 2022. This Glodok Chinatown Tourism Village is included in the 2022 Indonesian Tourism Village Award (ADWI) and is one of the 50 Best Villages for Bangkit Indonesia Tourism Village. Sandiaga Uno was amazed by the diversity of the Glodok Chinatown Tourism Village.

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Sandiaga Uno was welcomed by government officials as well as the local people and creative economy entrepreneurs. Sandiaga said that this year, ADWI 2022 collaborates with strategic partners to develop tourist villages, especially the 50 best tourist villages.

“Out of the 3,500 participants in the tourist village, the Chinatown Tourism Village of Glodok managed to penetrate the top 50 throughout Indonesia. Alhamdulillah. I saw the acculturation of various cultures. There is culture from China, there is culture from Portugal, there is culture from Muslims, there is culture from Malay, and there are many. There is Wushu, there is pencak silat." Sandiaga Uno said.

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“Everything in here is united in a diversity based on Pancasila and Bhineka Tunggal Ika. This is community-based tourism,” added Sandiaga Uno.

The Indonesian Tourism Village Award is the flagship program of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy/Tourism and Creative Economy Agency (Kemenparekraf/Bapakekraf) which aims to increase the potential of the area which is known to be rich in indigenous Chinese traditions. Starting from architecture, culinary, to art and culture.

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As with the assessment of other tourist villages, tourist destinations in the Glodok Chinatown Tourism Village have met the standards for the assessment of the ADWI 2022 jury team which consists of seven categories. Namely 1. Visitor attraction (natural and artificial, arts and culture), 2. Souvenirs (culinary, fashion, and craft), 3. Homestay, 4. Public toilets, 5. Digital and creative, 6. Cleanliness, Health, Safety, and Environment Sustainability, and 7. Village Institutions.

Glodok Chinatown Tourism Village does have an interesting history. It was all built from the collaboration of all existing ethnic groups, such as Chinese, Sundanese, Betawi, Javanese and others. To go to this tourist village, tourists can choose an easy-to-obtain mode of urban transportation.

From the airport, tourists can use DAMRI (public transportation from Soekarno-Hatta International Airport). Then, tourists can access the TransJakarta and the Commuter Line.

There are many iconic leisure destinations here. After entering this tourist village area, tourists are greeted by buildings with typical Chinese architectural designs. Then, going further, tourists will be presented with various interesting tourist locations.

Starting from historical tours, culinary, arts and culture, to shopping areas.

One of them, Pancoran Chinatown Point. It is a new destination and a historical strategic place in the center of Jakarta. Pancoran Chinatown Point combines classic-elegant residential buildings with commercial areas as well as Citywalks and thematic malls. Then, there is Gloria Gang which is one of the hawker centers.

"What is highlighted in my opinion is culture, historical tourism, and the most interesting is culinary tourism, actually. So, if we see there is Fried Duck Makes Rich, there is Plano Pizza. There is an acculturation of Chinese culture, there was Lion Dance, there was dance, there was Wushu. Uniquely, there was also pencak silat. This all becomes unity,” Sandiaga said.

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