6 Incredible Facts People May Not Know About Ancient Egyptians

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VIVA – Ancient Egyptians are known to be very bright and inventive people. As known, one of the interesting symbols of ancient Egyptian civilization is the Great Pyramid of Giza.

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The ancient Egyptians built the pyramids primarily as tombs for the royal pharaohs. More than 130 pyramids have been discovered in Egypt to date. There are some interesting facts about the Ancient Egyptians as follows.

1. Corpses Will Life Forever in the Afterlife Through Mummification

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Ancient Egyptians sanctified life, however, the afterlife was extremely important to them as well. Ancient Egyptians believed that by preserving a dead person’s body, they would live forever in the afterlife.

The ancient Egyptians excelled at preserving the dead bodies of their deities and rulers through the means of mummification and stretching for 1.6km.

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2. Egypt Has the Biggest Pyramid

In addition, the Pyramid of Khufu [Cheops] in Giza is the largest Egyptian pyramid. This stunning structure weighs as much as 16 Empire State buildings combined into one.

3. Make-up as a Source of Strength

Both ancient Egyptian men and women wore makeup. Eye paint is usually black (made of lead]) or green (made of copper). Apart from offering protection from the sun, the Egyptians believed that make-up also had magical healing powers.

4. Gods Need to be Worshiped

From a religious standpoint, the ancient Egyptians believed in about 2000 gods, all of whom had a specific role in life. Everything needs to be worshiped to allow balance in daily life.

5. Cat are Favorite Pet

In addition, the ancient Egyptians loved their pets. Sometimes they adore their pets. Ancient Egyptians were so crazy in love with cats because they believed that cats would bring good luck and fortune to the household.

6. Legendary Board Game

The ancient Egyptians loved their board games especially the Senet game which was played for almost 2000 years. The game involved throwing sticks, similar to how we roll dice today.

Many things that ancient Egyptians enjoy with their inventions such as paper and pen, keys and padlocks, and even toothpaste.

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