Indonesia Encourages G20 to Improve Education Quality

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VIVA – The Indonesian government encourages the G20 forum to apply digital technology to improve the quality of education in line with the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the Head of the G20 Education Working Group, Iwan Syahril in Jakarta, Thursday, June 23, 2022, President Jokowi wants to use technology for education.

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"So, we accelerate to increase the quality that may still be left behind, but we can make a leap. At the same time, we must also pay attention to vulnerable groups," said Iwan Syahril during the "Quality Education Facing the World of Work Post-pandemic".

On that occasion, Iwan also said that the Indonesian G20 Presidency also raised issues regarding the future of the post-pandemic world of work or The Future Work Post COVID-19.

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Iwan Syahril added that Indonesia also encouraged discussions on the application of digital technology and education. This theme was chosen considering the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic that happened, where many stakeholders, especially the education sector, began to adopt technology.

"The pandemic period is more disruptive. So, the 4.0 revolution is increasingly disrupted. We need to re-think together how the relevance of the world of education is to prepare our human resources in the future," said Iwan.

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According to Iwan Syahril, one of the most important things in education to prepare human resources for the future is to restore learning and then transform the education system for the goals to be achieved.

"Indonesia before the pandemic had already undergone a transformation because we changed the national exam to a national assessment, where previously we focused on content and now, we focus on the competencies that are the foundation, namely literacy, numeracy, and character," said Iwan.

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8 Januari 2025