Rare Opportunity, 5 Planets Will Align with Moon for This June
- Pixabay
VIVA – Space enthusiasts will have the rare opportunity to see the five planets in the Solar System and the Moon in alignment this June, 2022. This phenomenon is called quintet conjunction. Where Mercury, Venus, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn will be seen in the pre-dawn parade, forming a curved line.
The parallel formation of the five planets and the Moon will be most perfect on June 23-24, 2022. The parallel position of the five planets is called celestial conjunction and can be seen with the naked eye. This phenomenon last occurred in 2004.
From the southern hemisphere, Mercury and Venus are visible in the morning, with the star Aldebaran visible between the two planets. Aldebaran, which in Arabic means "follower", is one of the 15 brightest stars we can see from Earth.
The Aldebaran star has a diameter of 44 times the diameter of the Sun and emits a reddish hue. As quoted from the BBC website on Wednesday, June 22, 2022, Saturn will appear at midnight. Then, for a few hours before morning, Jupiter and then Mars will be visible. After that, Venus will appear, followed by Mercury at sunrise.
Astrologers believe that the position of these five parallel planets is important. Some of them believe that the parallel position of the planets will cause enormous energy changes, changing human life from a state of war to a point of calmer peace and harmony.
Here's how these 5 planets will appear:
ilustrasi planet saturnus
- U-Report
Saturn will be seen mainly at night in the fall of this year. But now, Saturn will appear before midnight.
To the naked eye, Saturn will appear as a bright yellow and white star. But using a telescope, you will be able to see the planet's famous rings, which now appear to be narrowing.
The ring stretches from north to south of the planet. When the morning fades, Saturn is easily visible in the sky in the southeastern hemisphere, or south to southeast.
Planet Jupiter dengan empat Bulan sebagai satelitnya.
- Instagram/@simply_telescope
Jupiter will appear in the morning. The planet shines twice as brightly as Sirius, the brightest star we can see from Earth.
Through a telescope or binoculars, the western side of the planet appears slightly less bright than its eastern side in June. Starting June 22, the planet will be easier to see and will pass into the constellation Cetus ('The Whale') on June 25.
Planet Mars dan Bumi.
- The Mirror
Mars is a visible planet every morning, but in June it will be easier to see from Earth. The planet will briefly appear in the northern to southeastern hemisphere before 2 am and shine brightly like Achenar, the ninth brightest shining star that can be seen from Earth.
At that time, you will see Mars emitting orange and yellow hues. The crescent moon will pass close to Mars on June 22 and 23 - completing the alignment of the five planets in the solar system.
Planet Venus.
- Vox
Venus appears around dawn and shines brighter than Jupiter. The easiest time to see the planet is 30 minutes before sunrise on June 30.
Through binoculars or a telescope, people will see the star Pleiades to the left of Venus before the morning light turns bright.
Merkurius, planet terkecil di tata surya semakin menciut
- softpedia.com
Mercury is also most easily seen 30 minutes before sunrise on June 30 and will be the planet with the lowest position on the horizon. The planet is too far away and too dim to see in the dawn sky when June begins.
Since June 16, Mercury has been slightly visible to the naked eye in the eastern to northeastern hemisphere, about 30 minutes before sunrise.
People can see Mercury is in the lower left of Venus. Mercury rises above the northeastern horizon more than an hour before the Sun on June 27.