20 Patients of Subvariant Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 Already Recovered

Ilustrasi Omicron
Sumber :
  • Dokumentasi VIVA

VIVA – Health Ministry’s spokesperson, Mohammad Syahril reported that all 20 patients of Covid-19, who were earlier confirmed positive for having contracted the BA.4 and BA.5 omicron subvariants in Indonesia already recovered on Thursday, June 16, 2022.

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"All of them experienced mild symptoms, except one female patient, aged 20 years in Jakarta, who has shortness of breath. Thus, she was categorized as moderately ill," Syahril noted in a dialogue.

"Beware, Omicron is back chasing Indonesia," added Syahril.

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He said that until June 14, 2022 the total cases of BA.4 and BA.5 that have been identified reach the 20 cases, consisting of two cases of BA.4 and 18 cases of BA.5.

Syahril said that based on the region, three foreign nationals (WNA) are in Bali and the rest are Indonesian citizens each in Banten consist of one person, Jakarta consist of four people, West Java consist of twelve people. Some patients have not received a booster or booster dose.

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"A total of eight people are male patients and 12 are female patients. One person is hospitalized and 19 outpatients are cared for," said Syahril.

Based on the severity, as many as 16 have mild symptoms and four others are asymptomatic.

"The case in West Java is a cluster in a family of three," added Syahril.

On today, all of these patients have been declared cured and can be back to home.

The spokesperson affirmed that the Ministry of Health is still collecting reports from the results of the Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) research from five provinces that were experiencing an increase in cases to track the transmission of the virus in these recovered patients. Those five provinces are Jakarta, Banten, West Java, Central Java, and East Java.

According to Syahril, the government has obliged to check WGS so that all COVID-19 patients who are currently increasing are exposed to new sub variants or old variants.

"This is done by WGS to confirm whether the patient has all of the BA.4, BA.5 or mixed sub variants," he said. 

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