5 Most Sophisticated Presidential Plane in the World

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VIVA – The president has an important role in the country. The President also has a variety of busy activities both domestically and abroad, these busy activities must be supported by fast mobility and advanced transportation facilities. It also aims to bring a positive image of the country in the international arena.

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So, do not be surprised if every country does not hesitate to spend large enough money to provide luxury equipment, especially private planes for the president.

According from several sources, here are the 5 most multifunction and pricey presidential aircraft in the world:

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1. Boeing 747-400, Japan

Traditional Japanese values may place an emphasis on natural and simple. However Japanese tradition was pushed aside with the extravagant Boeing 747-400. It has got four huge engines as well as automatic systemization and a fully-equipped cockpit is manned by a two-man crew. This Boeing 747-400 costs $300 Million.

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2. Boeing 747-200B, United States

Known to have a price of US$326 million, or around Rp4.6 trillion, this aircraft is equipped with a turbofan engine that can carry President Uncle Sam's speed as far as 1000 km / hour. 

This US$326 million plane is the next generation to the Boeing 747-100 and is heavier and yet stronger. The Boeing 747-200B was used by the President of the United States for high-flying business matters.

3. Ilyushin IL-96, Russia

Russia has a presidential plane that far exceeds the price of an American plane, estimated at US$500 million or Rp7 trillion, this aircraft is equipped with a strict security system. On the outside of this aircraft is also coated with a special paint whose presence cannot be detected by radar.

4. Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner, Mexico

The plane, which is said to be able to travel 1600 km/hour, is priced at US$ 600 million or Rp 8.6 trillion. The aircraft is also capable of flying non-stop for 20 hours or more than 9000 miles without refueling.

Not only that, this proud Mexican plane can also accommodate 250 presidential staff for their international needs, with one special presidential bedroom which is rumored to be very similar to a 5-star hotel.

5. Boeing 747, Saudi Arabia

The country that is focusing on its 2030 vision also has sophisticated and magnificent aircraft. The difference is that this plane is dedicated to the king, the plane dubbed the 'flying palace' is estimated to have a price of US$520 million or Rp7.4 trillion.

This fantastic price does not include all the interiors that adorn the plane which is estimated to have a price of US$150 million or Rp2.1 trillion.

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