These are 6 Things You Can Only Get in The Village

Ilustrasi Kehidupan di Desa
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VIVA – Many people who were born in villages into modern cities. Of course, there are differences between lives in villages and cities, especially for the lifestyle.

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Indeed, living in the city is a goal for most people. Because the city offers many facilities such as employment, education, entertainment, and so on. However, life in this city is not always comfortable, because of some problems such as traffic jams, crowds, and pollution you will encounter every day in the city.

It's different if people live in a village area. There are several things that can only be obtained if someone lives in a village such as the following:

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1. Access Roads that are Different from the City

Ilustrasi desa wisata.

Photo :
  • VIVA/Muhamad Solihin
Akselerasi Transisi Energi, Penerapan ESG Harus Jadi Budaya Industri

Roads in the countryside are very different from roads in big cities, especially for the scenery full of trees and rice fields.

Roads in the village are also rarely congested. This allows you to travel quickly. In a small corner of the village, the road was not completely paved. There are still many roads leading to the alleys of houses that are still grounded.

When the weather is hot there may not be a problem, but when it rains the dirt road becomes slippery and dirty.

2. Village has a Cold Temperature

Ilustrasi wanita desa.

Photo :
  • U-Report

When in village areas, the weather temperature will be very cold. The water in the countryside is also very natural, clear, and fresh. Most people in the village still use well water for their water needs. In fact, it is not uncommon to take advantage of the nearest spring.

3. Spend Less in Village

Buruh tani memanen bawang merah di Desa Tondowulan, Kecamatan Plandaan, Jombang, Jawa Timur (ilustrasi)

Photo :
  • ANTARA FOTO/Syaiful Arif

Living in the countryside is more affordable than living in big cities. Because most people who live in the village have a side job, namely farming. If someone wants to eat vegetables or fruits, just pick them.

However, a cool and calm rural atmosphere is impossible to find in urban areas. In addition to the beautiful environment, the people in this village are also very friendly. This is a convenience that is very rare to find in urban areas.

4. Villagers are More Friendly and Humble

Suasana pedesaan.

Photo :
  • U-Report

The people in the village are known for their friendliness. Not only that, the spirit of village solidarity is very high. Village people still often hold mutual cooperation or locally known as Gotong Royong activities.

This mutual cooperation aims to strengthen the ties of neighborhood between people. So that all village people can be close to each other. You may not get this kind of comfort in cities, where people generally tend to be more individualistic.

5. Don’t Worry about the Paid Parking

However, if people used to live in villages, you will know how easy it is to find a free and easy parking space. In the village, no one will ask to pay for a parking area by someone or locally known as Pak Ogah. Also, there’s no traffic light and no traffic jam.

6. Have a Healthier Quality of Life

The quality of life of village people is generally healthier than urban communities. Because, the air quality in this village is very clean. In addition, the village community uses materials obtained directly from the surrounding nature. This healthy lifestyle will make many people who live in villages have a longlife. 

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