Facts About Eril's Body Discovery at Switzerland’s Engehalde Dam
- Instagram @emmerilkahn
VIVA – After a search of approximately two weeks, the Switzerland’s Police officially found the body of the son of Ridwan Kamil on Thursday, June 9, 2022. The body of Emmeril Kahn Mumtadz or Eril was found at 11 am in Indonesia time or 6 am in Switzerland time.
Previously, the Swiss police received a report on Wednesday, June 8, 2022 that there was a lifeless man at the Engehalde Dam, Bern. The police immediately rushed to evacuate and did the DNA tests. After the forensic results came out, they confirmed that the body was that of Eril who had been reported missing.
Here are some facts about the discovery of Eril's body, such as
1. Eril’s Body Found at Engehalde Dam
Ridwan Kamil dan keluarga melepas Emmeril Khan Mumtadz kembali pada sang Khalik.
- Twitter.
The Indonesian embassy to Switzerland, Muliaman Hadad, has confirmed in a press conference that Eril's body was found on Wednesday, June 9, 2022.
The police who helped find Eril have identified it to ensure that the body is Eril. It was previously reported that on Wednesday, June 8, 2022. The Bern police had reported that there was a lifeless man lying in the water near the Engehalde dam.
2. DNA Test Results Match with the Eril’s Mother, Atalia
Kenangan Atalia Bersama Eril di atas Motor Bergaya Klasik
The Bern area police identified according to applicable procedures to confirm or match DNA that the body was that of Ridwan Kamil's eldest son Eril. As directly stated by the Swiss embassy to Indonesia, Muliaman Hadad.
"Today on Thursday, June 9, 2022 at Swiss time, the authorities said that the DNA test results were true for Eril's son. This has also been conveyed by the Bern police in their report," Muliaman said.
Hearing the news that her son had been found, Eril's mother, Atalia Kamil or her full name Atalia Praratya, immediately expressed her gratitude after the discovery of Eril's body.
As revealed through her Instagram social media @ataliapr wrote, "Alhamdulillah Allahu Akbar!!".
In addition, Atalia Kamil also revealed that the DNA of the corpse found was the same as Eril.
"DNA has been declared the same as mine, Innalillahi wainna ilaihi rajiun," wrote Atalia.
3. Repatriation of Eril's Body
Konferensi pers Dubes RI di Swiss Muliaman Hadad dan keluarga Ridwan Kamil
- Youtube
Muliaman Hadad in the Press Conference also said about the continuation of the repatriation of Eril's body. The police have submitted the necessary documents to the Bern office of the court as the party authorized to decide the handover of Eril's body from the police to the family.
It didn't take long on Thursday, June 9, 2022 afternoon local time, the court had authorized the family currently in Bern to receive Eril's body. The Indonesian Embassy in Bern will ensure that respect for Eril's rights as a Muslim is fulfilled in accordance with Islamic law.
Muliaman also ensured that his party would continue to monitor the repatriation process.
"Furthermore, the Indonesian Embassy in Bern will continue to assist the family in the preparation and management process for Ananda Eril's repatriation to Indonesia. The Indonesian Embassy will also supervise the repatriation process until Ananda Eril arrives in Indonesia," Muliaman said.
After arriving in Jakarta, Muliaman explained that the Directorate for the Protection of Indonesian Citizens from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs would facilitate the arrival of the group at Soekarno-Hatta Airport.
This was also confirmed through an Instagram post from Ridwan Kamil on June 9, 2022.
"Eril's body, Insya Allah, will return to his home on Sunday and be buried on Monday." Wrote Ridwan Kamil.
4. Ridwan Kamil Takes Leave Again
Gubernur Jawa Barat Ridwan Kamil (mengenakan topi), Sabtu, 28 Mei 2022, berbincang dengan petugas kepolisian di Swiss dalam operasi pencarian putranya, Emmeril Khan Mumtadz alias Eril, yang hilang Aere, Bern, Swiss.
- VIVA/Adi Suparman
After the news that Eril's body was found. Ridwan Kamil as the Governor of West Java asked for another ten days leave to the Ministry of Home Affairs.
After the news about Eril had been found with the help of the Indonesian embassy to Switzerland and the Swiss police and those who had helped in the search for Eril, Eril was finally found.
"It's true, we at the Ministry of Home Affairs have received an application for leave from the Governor of West Java." said the Head of the Kapuspen the Ministry of Home Affairs, Benni Irwan when confirmed by the media on Thursday, June 9, 2022.