Hajj Pilgrims Beware of Hot Weather in Saudi Arabia
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VIVA – The general chairman of the Muslim Association for Hajj and Umrah Organizers of the Republic of Indonesia (AMPHURI) asks to Hajj pilgrims to be aware of the extreme weather in Saudi Arabia. It is known that the temperature can get in the 40s degrees Celsius.
"The current hajj is in the peak of summer. The current condition is that the temperature reaches 40, 41 to 45 degrees Celsius," said Amphuri Chairman, Firman M Nur in Jakarta.
Beside organizing activities, members of the pilgrims are advised to do a healthy lifestyle. So, the body stays in shape and fresh before the peak of the pilgrimage, wukuf in Arafah. The General Chairperson of Amphuri said that during the implementation of wukuf on Arafah Day in July it could be hotter. The temperature can touch 50 degrees Celsius.
"The next three to four weeks or the peak at Arafah can be 45 to 50 degrees," Firman said.
Therefore, he asked the Hajj pilgrims to maintain their stamina and physical condition. So, the Hajj pilgrims could maximally fulfill the 5th pillar of Islam.
"It is necessary to pay attention to the pilgrims to maintain physical and stamina so that they can perform all stages of the pilgrimage to the maximum," he said.
After two years of limiting the number of pilgrims performing the Hajj because of the COVID-19. This year the Saudi Arabian government has opened its doors again to pilgrims from all over the world.
In 2022, Indonesia will get a quota of one-tenth of the total number of Hajj candidatest. Saudi Arabia provides Indonesia's hajj quota of 100,051 people. This quota consists of 92,825 regular hajj and 7,226 special hajj.Â