7 Mysterious Religions in the World

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VIVA – Mystery religions were part of a diverse religious movement that surfaced during the first century and died out by the end of the fifth century. This mysterious religion serves as a spiritual center and continues to influence life, politics and society in general.

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The religions mentioned below are not known all over the world but have many followers wherever they are. In Indonesia, embracing religion is the most basic thing. Religion is an important thing in human life. A good religion, certainly a religion that teaches goodness to its followers. 

There are six official religions in Indonesia, namely Islam, Protestantism, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism. In Article 28E paragraph (1) of the 1945 Constitution, every citizen is free to embrace religion and worship according to his religion.

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Well, here are 6 mysterious religions that are spread all over the countries:

1. Yazidi

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The Yazidis are a mysterious religion in the world, numbering 700,000 mankinds worldwide. The Yazidis are very secretive, many of their beliefs are not even known to the faithful.

According to the ListVerse, their scriptures were hidden from the common people, and initiates had to swear never to reveal their secrets. After centuries of persecution, the Yazidis are wary of outsiders.

Under Ottoman rule, they faced 72 separate genocides. Both Al-Qaeda and ISIS call them infidels. Yazidis have a reputation as Satan worshipers. They glorify Melek Tawwus, the Angel of the Peacock, who fell from grace.

They practice various beliefs: baptism, take off their shoes in church, and view fire as a divine manifestation. They also pray three times a day, but face the Sun, not Mecca.

2. Raelism

Claude Vorilhons, a French race car driver, started Raelism and derived it from the honorific name given to Vorilhons, by the aliens who kidnapped him before revealing his true human origins.

Claude or Rael, as he is usually called, is taken to a distant planet called Elohim by the aforementioned alien, where he is kind enough to meet the great teachers and religious thinkers throughout history, including Jesus, Confucius, Buddha, and Joseph Smith as founder of Mormonism.

Beside revealing that life on earth began when humans were created from alien DNA 25.000 years ago, the aliens also tell Rael that Earth expects their arrival in Jerusalem in 2025.

3. Jediism

Star Wars created some fans, but religion took things too far. There is an understanding of Jediism that is included in the mysterious religion of the world.

Most people realize the basic principles of Jedi from their own view of films about the light/dark side, the intangible forces that bind the universe together, and etc. But, there are few who actually follow this belief in real life.

According to the India Times, Jediism has no central organization, although the Texas-based 'Temple of the Jedi Order' has issued a code for believers called the '16 Jedi Teachings'. This is perhaps the strangest, given the ties to the fictional values ??of a film series as well as the beliefs of Asian religions such as Buddhism.

4. Umbanda

Umbada is a mysterious religion which is the only local religion of Brazil. According to List Verse, the religion was founded by the psychic media Fernandino de Moraes, which combines African traditions, Catholicism, Spiritism and Indigenous beliefs. One variety known as "Quimbanda" or "black magic" is now considered a separate religion.

There are an estimated 400,000 Umbanda followers, most of whom train in secret to avoid threats and vandalism. The majority of Brazilians consider this satanic cult. The Pentecostal and Evangelical revival is a grave threat.

Several priests have been arrested for encouraging religious intolerance towards Umbanda.

5. Druze

The Druze practice a secret belief, originating from but separate from Islam. It combines elements of Christian, Hindu, and Greek philosophy.

According to List Verse, the Druze are scattered throughout the Middle East. Following the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, most settled in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Israel. The Druze have been key figures in Middle Eastern history.

They had clung firmly to the mountainous region for self-determination and to keep their shadow faith secret. Only elite initiates, known as “uqqal,” participate fully in their religious services and have access to their scripture.

6. Prince Philip Movement (PPM)

According to List Verse, the Prince-regent and spouse of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II can feel like kings among the people of the Yaohnanen region of Tanna state, Vanuatu.

According to a local legend, the son of an earth spirit traveled far across the ocean to marry a powerful woman, and this man would one day return to the island.

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