Top 6 Amazing Facts About Thailand You Should Know

Bangkok, Thailand
Sumber :

VIVA – Thailand is an attractive and colorful country. Thailand is also famous for its beautiful beaches, delicious and affordable cuisine, and friendly local people. Thailand is not just a favorite destination for tourism, but also this country with a royal government system has apparently never been colonized by any countries.

Pemerintah Thailand Canangkan Usia Pensiun Jadi 65 Tahun, Pekerja Dapat Pesangon 180 kali Gaji?

One of the reasons is because Thailand has fewer natural resources, unlike other Southeast Asian countries which are rich in natural resources. Therefore, there are no countries that are interested in controlling Thailand. Not only facts about never being colonized, here are 5 attractive facts about who owned these 77 provinces.

1. Asian Rice Barn

Thailand Naikkan Usia Pensiun Jadi 65 Tahun, Indonesia di Umur Berapa?

Ilustrasi beras/nasi.

Photo :
  • Pixabay/lightluna94

Thailand is locally known as Asian Rice Barn because Thailand can produce a lot of rice every year. One of Thailand’s rice barns is located in Suphan Buri, approximately 150 km from the city of Bangkok. The level of productivity is high enough that Thailand is the largest rice exporter in the world. In a year the rice barn is able to harvest up to four times.

PM Thailand Minta Maaf atas Tragedi Pembantaian Warga Muslim Pada 2004

2. Never Touch Head in Thai

Biksu Budha.

Photo :
  • ESPN

Buddhism plays an essential part in influencing a country's culture, and thus, the tourists need to show extreme respect towards the religion. The head of a person is considered the essential body part of Buddhism; hence, it seems very rude if somebody touches the head of a stranger or a statue. One is not supposed to click photographs of a Buddha statue too or point feet towards the same as it is thought to be very disrespectful.

3. The Majority of Thai People Have a Nicknames

Bright Vachirawit, aktor Thailand

Photo :
  • instagram @bbrightvc

Most of the Thailand population has two names consisting of a full name and a nickname. Unlike usual where nicknames are just a shortened version of the real name, Thai nicknames are meaningful and are chosen by parents at the birth of their children.

Parents in Thailand often choose names that are meaningful in Thai or words they like in a foreign language. For example, such as the famous actor Bright Vachirawit. His full name is Vachirawit Chivaaree, Bright is his nickname.

4. There are 76 Letters in Thailand

konsonan dalam huruf Thailand

Photo :
  • Prince Kassad/Wikimedia

The Thai language consists of 76 letters, including 44 consonants and 32 vowels. Thai also has five tons of speech. Sometimes there are words that are written the same but are pronounced differently, automatically the meaning is different.

5. Thailand Also Called as ‘SIAM’

Phuket, Thailand

Photo :
  • unsplash,com

Thailand was called ‘Siam’ before 1949. On June 24, 1939, the name Siam was officially changed to Thailand as a part of developing strategies of the country.

From 1946 – 1948, the name was again changed to Siam. Finally, from 1949 onwards, it was renamed Thailand again, which has remained the same till this date. ‘Siam’ is derived from a Sanskrit word which means ‘Syam”.

Seorang WNI bernama Sriwani Sayuti sempat ditahan polisi Thailand (dok. Istimewa)

Cerita Sriwani Sayuti Bisa Balik Indonesia, Sempat Ditahan di Thailand Dituduh Bawa 128 WNI Wisata Ilegal

seorang Warga Negara Indonesia (WNI) bernama Sriwani Sayuti, akhirnya bisa pulang ke Tanah Air usai ditahan polisi Thailand.

20 November 2024