Here are 7 Death Mystery of Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs.
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  • U-Report

VIVA – If any person asks about the history of Apple, they will know about Steve Jobs who died at 56 years old on Oct 5, 2011 after a long battle with pancreatic cancer. But actually, he can live longer and looks healthier if he was looking for the right medicine at the right time. Well, it turns out, there are 7 mysteries about the death of an Inventor Apple, Steve Jobs.

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1. Alternative Medicine

When Apple co-founder Steve Jobs was first diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2003, his doctors advised him to seek surgery as soon as possible.

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Instead, he delayed the procedure for nine months and attempted to self-medicate with alternative medicine. This fateful decision may have hastened Steve Jobs' death—while he could have been saved.

Steve Jobs died from complications of pancreatic cancer on October 5, 2011, just eight years after his initial diagnosis. He was only 56 years old when he died.

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Jobs' genius stemmed from his demanding, demanding nature and his uncanny ability to think outside the box. But tragically, he used the same mindset to deal with his pancreatic cancer.

2. Steve Jobs’s Body Doesn't Want to Be Opened

In 2003, Steve Jobs went to the doctor for kidney stones. But the doctors soon noticed a "shadow" on his pancreas. They told Jobs that he had a neuroendocrine tumor, a rare form of pancreatic cancer.

On the one hand, that is good news. People diagnosed with neuroendocrine islet tumors generally have a much better prognosis than those with other forms of pancreatic cancer. Experts urged him to seek surgery as soon as possible. But he always puts it off.

"I didn't want my body to be exposed," Jobs later confessed to Isaacson.

"I don't want to be violated in that way." He said.

3. Healing with Diet Treatment

Instead, Jobs relied on what Isaacson called "magic thinking." For nine months, he tried to cure his illness with a vegan diet, acupuncture, herbs, colon cleansing, and other remedies he found online.

At one point, he even contacted a psychic. Jobs had wanted entire companies to exist, and he seemed to believe he could do the same with his health.

4. Steve Jobs Had Surgery

It turned out that Steve Jobs had surgery because his cancer did not go away. In 2004, he admitted to Apple employees that his tumor had been removed.

"I have some personal news I need to share with you, and I want you to hear it directly from me," Steve Jobs wrote in an email.

“I have a very rare form of pancreatic cancer called an islet cell neuroendocrine tumor, which represents about 1 percent of the total cases of pancreatic cancer diagnosed each year, and is curable by surgical removal if diagnosed on time (mine).” he added.

5. Resignation of Speech as a Public Announcement

Steve Jobs showed up at Apple events looking as skinny as ever in 2008 and he withdrew from a keynote speech in 2009. Meanwhile, both Jobs and Apple shrugged off concerns about his health and downplayed his problems.

But in early 2009, Steve Jobs could no longer deny his illness. He took medical leave and notified Apple employees via email.

"Unfortunately, curiosity about my personal health continues to be a nuisance to not only me and my family, but everyone at Apple as well," Jobs wrote.

"In addition, over the past week, I have learned that my health issues are more complex than I previously thought." He added.

6. Liver Transplant

The Wall Street Journal shocked the world in June 2009 when they conveyed the news that Steve Jobs had undergone a liver transplant in Tennessee. Although the hospital initially denied that she was a patient, they later admitted to treating her in a public statement.

They also added, "Jobs was the most chronically ill patient on the waiting list at a time when donor organs became available."

Meanwhile, Steve Jobs returned to work after six months away, he continued to struggle with his health. In January 2011, he took another leave. By that August, he had stepped down as CEO of Apple.

7. The nurse Selection

But even as Steve Jobs grew sicker, he stubbornly maintained his high standards. At the hospital, Jobs went through 67 nurses before finding three nurses he liked. By October, however, there was nothing more the doctors could do.

On October 5, 2011, Steve Jobs died, surrounded by his family, at his home in Palo Alto, California. The official cause of death was respiratory arrest related to a pancreatic tumor. Later, his biographer would reveal how long he delayed surgery and how much he regretted the decision.

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