Digital Tourism Village in Setu Babakan is Officially Established

Wisata Kampung Betawi Setu Babakan Ramai Diserbu Pengunjung
Sumber :
  • Rizaluddin

VIVA – The Tourism and Creative Economy Ministry has initiated the establishment of a digital tourism village in Setu Babakan village, South Jakarta, along with a number of parties.

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The stakeholders include the Jakarta provincial government, state-run PT Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI), and a number of startup companies.

"The attempt aims to expand the (tourism) market through the use of e-commerce as well as bolster digital supply chains, (enable) easy access to funding and financing, and utilization of digital payment,” director of industrial management at the ministry, Anggara Hayun Anujuprana, informed in an official statement issued here on Friday.

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In addition, the initiative intends to expedite business development and coaching of the tourism village, he said.
Furthermore, the stakeholders will establish a joint action plan for the development of the digital tourism village.

The director said that digital transformation during the COVID-19 pandemic encouraged structural changes in work, daily activities, consumption, study, and economic transactions since previously, all those activities were usually conducted offline.

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"Digital transformation is the process of adopting digital technology to create more efficient and productive new things or methods," he added.

The activity was attended by seven micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), namely Sanggar Seban 98 (an arts MSME), MSC (fashion), Kembang Goyang Mpok Uyun (culinary), Betawi Onlen (craft), an MSME engaged in the cultivation of catfish and water spinach, Bir Pletok Bang Isra (culinary), as well as the Sirih Kuning Farmer Business Group of the Betawi people.

Director of digital economy governance at the ministry, Selliane Halia Ishak, said that the activity also aimed to establish a digital ecosystem.

The 17 sub-sectors of the creative economy industry are ones that can revive tourism activities in Indonesia, she added. The three largest sub-sectors of the industry are culinary, craft, and fashion.

"The culinary, craft, and fashion MSMEs will be facilitated to conduct digital transformation, for instance, on how to display the products to make them look attractive in marketplaces," she said. 

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