Goosebumps, Here are 7 Mysterious Places in Pakistan

Lahore, Pakistan
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  • pixabay

VIVA – Pakistan is a country located in South Asia. Pakistan is also the first Islamic country in the world to have nuclear power. Pakistan has some beautiful places to visit. However, Pakistan also has haunted and scary places especially in the area of Lahore ??Karachi. Here are 7 mysterious places in Pakistan:

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1. Buddhist Graveyard Sector F-7

There's nothing scarier than an ancient cemetery with a lot of history for paranormal activity. The Buddhist Cemetery in Sector F7 of Islamabad is one of the graves that has a lot of history for paranormal activities.

Kadin Bidik Peluang Pasar Baru Produk Ekspor RI di Pakistan

Many people who visit this cemetery claim to hear strange sounds, especially the wailing of women and the sound of footsteps belonging to an invisible creature, possibly a jinn or ghost. Those who have walked past the cemetery say that there is always a feeling of being watched by someone in the dark. Even the local guards avoided it and when mentioned, they seemed to shiver.

2. Shah Allah Ditta Caves

Ketum Kadin Anindya Bakrie Bertemu Dubes Pakistan, Bahas Persoalan Pangan hingga Pertahanan

Famous for being over 700 years old, the Shah Allah Ditta Caves are as spooky as they are historically beautiful. The whole place is surrounded by dense old trees, their branches spreading widely, and old caves, which are so ancient that they almost collapse.

In this place, there are many stories of people hearing voices and whispers in the dark. People living in this area also claim to have witnessed dark shadows around it and advise tourists to come here only during the day and not alone.

3. Karsaz Bride

Karsaz Street in Karachi is famous for the story of a bride that many people talk about over and over again. Many people who take this route often see a woman dressed as a bride walking alone on the street and seemingly disappearing after a few minutes. This unexpected sight of the bride late at night was enough to give goosebumps and frighten road users.

4. Buddhist Graveyard

Buddhist Graveyard is located in Hyderabad region. This graveyard has a history dating back 250 years. This place is a haunted place and has a mystery in it.

Previously, this tomb was the place to perform burial rituals for Buddhists and hence, people say that the spirits of people cremated here hide in this place at night.

Many people who live nearby claim to have seen small children come and play in this place at night and disappear before sunrise. Their voices and laughter echoed throughout the area and thickened quite a bit.

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  • Pixabay/Krystian

5. Chowkandi Graveyard

Dating back almost 600 years, Chowkandi Graveyard is located on the National Highway in Karachi and is notorious for being extremely haunted. This could be due to the great practice of performing Black magic using goat heads in this particular grave which is now a habitat for many spirits.

People don't dare to visit it after sunset because there are many claims of ghost sightings and apparitions in the graves. Many locals have reported paranormal activity taking place in this area, which is why there is fear in the air around this place.

6. Koh-I-Chiltan

Located in the Quetta district of Balochistan, among the mighty Solomon Mountains is Koh-I-Chiltan which roughly translated from the local language means 'forty bodies'. There is a deadly myth floating around this particular peak.

According to legend, the area is surrounded by fairies and the spirits of forty babies who are thought to have died at the top of this mountain. People reported feeling strange things in this place, possibly caused by the spirits of the babies.

7. House No 39K, Block 6 PECHS Karachi

Many people believe that house no 39K in block 6 of PECHS is very haunted because many women in white clothes walk in the house at night.

When investigated, it was found that this woman was brutally abused, murdered and buried here in the same house, which is why her spirit wouldn’t leave the house alone.

The passersby often hear the sound of weeping from within the walls and this lament is heart-wrenching to hear. The house was never sold because no one dared to buy it with such a reputation.

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