8 Scariest Ghost in Sunda Land

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VIVA – Indonesia has a closest relationship with invisible creatures or called as ghost, various types of ghost have various appearances and names and each region has its own version of ghost stories. No exception, the land of Sunda.

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It’s estimated that there are 8 types of ghosts that are believed to exist in the Sundanese. Even these ghosts are also said to be very scary. Ranging from creatures that are very scary to the shape that makes no sense. Well, here's a review of the scariest ghosts in the Land of Sunda that you should be afraid of.

1. Jelmaan Jajaden

Resep Pepes Tahu Khas Sunda, Hidangan Gurih dan Bergizi yang Mudah Dibuat di Rumah

Ilustrasi penampakan hantu.

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  • U-Report

The incarnation of Jajaden is believed to be a human incarnation in the form of another creature. The incarnation of Jajaden worships and devotes himself to the jinn or other spirits. With the purpose of obtaining happiness such as wealth, beauty, and well-being.

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These most terrifying ghost worshippers are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their desires, even if they have to sacrifice, kill, and even drink human blood to achieve those desires.

2. Monkey and Pig Imitation

Monyet Liar di Atas Atap Rumah Warga Tebing Tinggi

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  • VIVA/ Putra Nasution

For Indonesians, they must be familiar with the name of "Ngepet Pig" or locally known as the imitation animal who likes to steal money. For Sundanese people, the difference between an imitation monkey and an imitation pig is in the level of malignancy.

It is because the people in Sunda Land believe that this imitation pig is more vicious than an imitation monkey. In fact, almost every night of the full moon they had to hand over a child of 10 years old as a sacrifice or locally known as tumbal.

3. Iprit

Ilustrasi hantu cantik.

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  • U-Report

Just like other incarnations, Iprit is a special female human incarnation that is shaped like an animal. It’s believed that the Iprit incarnated as a snake as a form of devotion to the jinn. Usually, sinden do this for their beautiful look and good performance.

The presence of this iprit is unlimited to a certain time, whenever she wants to appear with a beautiful face and good voice and can sit for quite a long time. The scariest ghost in the Land of Sunda is usually a girl who is still a virgin as a sacrifice to be offered to the Jinn that she worships.

4. Sandekala

Hantu Air

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  • Soompi

Sandekala is a supernatural being that is believed to appear before sunset or when people come out, so that when Sandekala will possess these people. The shape of this Sandekala can’t be explained with certainty by the community, but the sandekala can be in the form of a man or a woman.

The name Sandekala is taken from a public belief regarding the prohibition of parents for their children to go out at dusk until evening. Because this Sandekala has a penchant for kidnapping children.

5. Bats (Locally known as Kalong)

Hantu Perawan

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  • Soompi

Bats or Kalong are one of the supernatural creatures that usually come out at noon or noon. This bat is the same as the Wewe Gombel which is very famous in Java, the bat also has a habit of kidnapping a child of 10 years old who leaves the house when the bats come out to be used as toys. This is the cause in West Java who believe in children at that age.

Ilustrasi genderuwo

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  • Instagram/@kisahmistis

Genderuwo often shows himself in the form of a black shadow and is large in height by wearing smoke fog. The scariest ghost in the Land of Sunda can roll up sacrifices and then be taken away.

Although only in the form of a shadow with the form of a Genderuwo, it looks very scary, but these creatures often appear in large trees such as banyan and Kiara trees which usually grow near water sources or in cemeteries.

7. Gerandong 

Ciri rumah berhantu

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  • Unsplash

Gerandong is a ghost in the form of a woman who worships pellet science who likes to drink virgin or virgin blood. Their goal is to get a beautiful face, also for the power of black magic to be stronger. Another name for this creature is the female Dracula who appears at the time before sunset.

If one-time Gerandong didn’t get the blood of a virgin or a virgin as their sacrifice. Then the scariest ghost in the Land of Sunda will turn into a scary old woman with a wrinkled and pale face like a corpse. In the end, Gerandong will die.

8. Kuntilanak (A Woman Ghost)

Penampakan kuntilanak didekat pohon bambu.

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  • U-Report

Kuntilanak was transformed into a very scary female ghost. Kuntilanak is very happy to drink the blood of a virgin or a virgin as a sacrifice. Because, it’s believed to add beauty, youth and even to add magic.

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