E-Toll Payment Will be Replaced by New System

Gerbang tol e-toll.
Sumber :
  • ANTARA FOTO/Rivan Awal Lingga

VIVA – The government is preparing the newest toll road payments with a non-cash payment system or called as Multi Lane Free Flow (MLFF). Therefore, payments with E-Toll will be replaced.

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Public Relations of the Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT), the Ministry of Public Works for Public Housing (PUPR) said from the news circulating it was true that the use of toll cards would be replaced, not deleted.

"It's not deleted, but the payment will not use a card later. But still developing the system, later this year the payment will be electronically installed with MLFF information," a public relations official said when contacted by VIVA on Thursday, May 19, 2022.

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Later every car that enters the toll road must have a tool to detect it. Whereas now it already exists through Mandiri Bank.

"Currently, some are from Mandiri, some are already used, so toll road users don’t have to tap," he explained.

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As for the planned realization at the end of this year. The public relations hoped it would be realized according to plan.

Reported by Bpjt.pu.go.id, the use of MLFF will make it easier for toll users where they no longer need to stop at toll gates or queue when transactions.

Later, when the vehicle passes the toll gate, the electronic money balance in the application on the cellphone will be immediately deducted. The technology applied to MLFF is the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), which is a system that allows transactions to be made via an application on a smartphone and read via satellite.

Another benefit of this MLFF such as the efficiency of operating costs and also minimizes vehicle fuel.

Previously, the Head of BPJT of the PUPR Ministry, Danang Parikesit said that the PUPR Ministry had carried out various innovations and digital transformations on toll roads with the concept of the intelligent toll road system (ITRS). Among them are the consolidation of toll road transactions through non-cash transactions or multi lane free flow (MLFF).

"Starting at the end of this year, we will introduce contactless transactions using the onboard unit technology that is connected to a satellite so that people can directly pass through the toll gate without having to stop to tap e-money," he said.

Danang said on the last march, the MLFF technology will be tested on several toll roads this year. it’s targeted to operate 100 percent by the end of 2023.

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