10 Habits of Indonesian People that Surprise Foreigners

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  • VIVA.co.id/M. Ali. Wafa

VIVA – Indonesia is a country that known to have a lot of diversity and has many unique things in it. Not only natural resources, Indonesia is also known for its diversity. It estimated that Indonesia has more than 300 ethnic groups or to be precise, 1.340 ethnic groups based on the 2010 BPS census.

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Indonesia is often in the spotlight of the other world because for has many unique things, especially in the behavior and things that are usually done by Indonesia people. It turns out that many foreigners are surprised by the following attitudes of Indonesians.

1. Ritual of Tiwah 

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In Central Kalimantan, there is a special tradition for those who have died long ago. The Tiwah ceremony is usually performed by the Dayak tribe to deliver the bones of the dead to a house called Sandung.

This ritual is designed to attract the soul's journey to Lewu Tatau or heaven. In addition, this unique ritual is also designed to release havoc for family members who have been left behind.

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2. Finger Cut Tradition

This tradition that can be said to be extreme has indeed been abandoned by the Dani tribe. Finger cutting is a tradition to express grief over the loss of a family member.

For the Dani tribe, the finger has a deeper meaning, symbolizing harmony, unity and strength in humans or families.

3. Sharp Teeth of the Mentawai Tribe

For the Mentawai tribe, a new woman will be considered beautiful after meeting three criteria. The first is to have long ears. Second, his body is decorated with titi or tattoos. Third, sharp teeth. The tradition of sharpening teeth is believed to increase the beauty of women.

4. Garbage Strewn on the Streets

In cities in Indonesia, littering on the side of the street or in the river is something that is very common to do.

This is made worse by the lack of public awareness about caring for the environment, causing many residents to throw garbage on the streets. This of course becomes strange for some foreigners, especially those from developed countries.

5. Crossing the Road Carelessly

Foreigners might be surprised to see a lot of people crossing the main streets, especially in the capital city. Not a few people deliberately cross the road in forbidden places or even very dangerous because it can threaten safety.

6. A Beggar

Beggar and homeless people also become a habit that is often found in various big cities in Indonesia. Beggars even work on buses, restaurants or on the roadside. Some even begged to run a red light. Not only adults became beggars, but also many children. Their presence sometimes annoys others.

7. Squat

Squatting is common and something that is quite easy to do, but foreigners will find it difficult to squat.

This is because Indonesian people defecate in a squatting position, so they are used to it. When hanging out with friends in the park, some Indonesian people will only squat for a while.

8. Herbal Medicines

The use of herbal medicines are usually carried out by Indonesian people who have certain diseases. Many people believe more about the efficacy of this traditional medicine than doctor's medicine to cure their disease.

9. Always Smile to Everyone

Indonesian people will always smile at everyone they meet, this is a form of respect, being friendly, and giving appreciation. With a smile, Indonesian people have shown respect for others.

Even if they don’t know each other, Indonesians will smile and say hello, often when they see a confused person, they will immediately offer to help. It turns out, the foreigners are confused by Indonesia's attitude.

10. Scrape

Indonesian people when their body feels tired and sore, they will do “Scrapping” or locally known as kerokan. Scrapping is rubbing the back with a coin to cause bruises on the back.

It’s believed to be capable of removing the wind that enters the body, the result will relieve symptoms of aches after activities. But, it’s a strange thing for foreigners, besides the very sore taste will also leave bruises.

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