7 Most Dangerous Animals of Amazon River

Sungai Amazon
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  • U-Report

VIVA – The Amazon is not as extensive as most other environments on earth, and this gives rise both to its fascinating allure, but also to misgivings amongst those people wishing to visit the Amazon River.  

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In addition, the forest that surrounds the river is also the largest in the world as well as being the lungs of this planet. Therefore, it is not surprising that the Amazon is a comfortable home for animals, including the deadliest in the world. Here is a list of the dangerous animals of the Amazon River.

1. Piranha

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Ikan Piranha

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Piranha is one of the famous predatory fish because it has very sharp teeth. They are said to be the deadliest animals in the Amazon River because they can tear other animals apart very quickly. Usually, they also hunt in groups so that they can prey on even large animals.

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More than 20 piranha species that live in the Amazon River, only the red-bellied piranha or known as Pygocentrus nattereri Kner being aggressive and has once preyed on humans. The rest, for other species classified as omnivores and actually consume more grains or plants than meat.

2. Electric EEL

Belut listrik.

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Not actually an eel, but a type of knife fish, this shocking creature is capable of generating up to 600 volts through its electrocyte cells, five times more electricity than in the standard wall socket. It usually only uses small amounts of electricity to stun its prey of choice, but when feeling threatened it is capable of releasing stronger and multiple shocks that can endure minutes on end.

Residing in the murky depths of the Amazon River, the electric eel feasts on invertebrates, fish, and small mammals. There have been numerous reported incidents between humans and electric eels often involving unpleasant and unexpected shocks. The electric eel looks largely avoided by locals as it can still shock up to 8 hours after its death.

3. Poisonous Amphibian

Katak beracun di dunia.

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In this world there are about 4,000 types of frogs, but 427 of them live in the Amazon and are poisonous frogs. One of the poison dart frogs is the Dendrobates species. They are small animals between 20 mm to 40 mm that have bright colors, such as green, red, and orange.

With this color, predators of the poison frog can easily recognize it and move away from it. However, some small, unwary animals will approach and be paralyzed by the venom from the skin of this most deadly animal in the Amazon River.

The substance is very lethal, and even estimated at around 2.5 grams alone can kill an adult human.

4. Green Anaconda

Anaconda Hijau.

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  • U-Report

The Amazon is home to a whole range of terrifying and dangerous snakes, from the highly venomous pit vipers to the ferocious South American rattlesnake. But none is perhaps more intimidating than the huge green anaconda. Reaching lengths of over 30 feet and weighing more than 500 pounds, it’s the largest snake in the world. But instead, they use their formidable muscle power to constrict and suffocate their prey before swallowing whole without chewing, regardless of their victim’s size.

They are particularly agile and stealthy in the water and lurk in the Amazon River in wait for anything they can strike and overpower, which includes jaguars, caimans, turtles, wild pigs, deer, and even humans. The large size of its meals means that these snakes don’t need to feed often, sometimes lasting months between meals.

5. Black Caiman

Black Caiman

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  • Tangkapan Layar

The owner of the Latin name Melanosuchus niger is a dangerous predator that inhabits the Amazon River. The Animal Corner page says that they also live in several habitats, such as slow-moving fresh water, lakes, waterlogged savannas, and wetlands in South American countries.

With a body length of up to 6 meters, this black caiman is an apex predator in the Amazonian ecosystem. Therefore, these animals have many types of prey. As juveniles, they will eat crustaceans, insects, small fish, amphibians, mammals, and birds. As adults, they will eat fish, birds, amphibians, and mammals.

6. Bull Shark

Hiu Banteng

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  • Tangkapan Layar

Although known to live in saltwater, it turns out that several types of sharks can live in freshwater. The deadliest animal in the Amazon River is the result of migration from the sea. With the Latin name Carcharhinus leucas, this species can live in fresh water by maintaining salt levels in their bodies.

They are included in the vicious sharks that often attack humans. The bull shark can also attack other shark species and bony fish. As stated by the website Rainforest Cruises, they have powerful jaws that allow them to prey on large animals.

7. Candiru Fish

Ikan candiru.

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  • http://anekacarapraktis.blogspot.com

Even though it’s small size, don't underestimate this fish with the Latin name Vandellia cirrhosa. Adapted from the old Britannica, because of its small and cute size that is difficult to see, candiru fish can enter any hole in the human body, including the genitals. In men, these fish can enter the urethra and testicles.

Once inside, nothing can be done to relieve the pain other than amputation. This procedure is also done to prevent the fish from entering deeper locations in the human body. That's usually what local residents worry about the presence of the deadliest animal in the Amazon River.

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