Sandiaga Uno Showed Nature Based Straw Made in Indonesia

Menparekraf, Sandiaga Uno di PBB.
Sumber :
  • VIVA/Yanri Subekti

VIVA – The Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy or Head of the Tourism and Creative Economy Agency Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno said that Indonesia is currently the world's reference in handling the COVID-19 pandemic and its success in revitalizing the tourism sector after two years of being hit by the pandemic.

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This was said by Sandiaga Uno after he gave a speech at the 'High-level Thematic Debate on Tourism' event held by the United Nations General Assembly at the United Nations General Assembly Hall, New York, United States on Wednesday, May 4, 2022 in local time.

"Indonesia was given an award in handling the COVID-19 pandemic and the revival of our tourism based on quality, community-based, and sustainable tourism. This is the support for our economic revival, supporting the creation of business opportunities, and opening up the widest possible employment opportunities," said Sandiaga Uno as the Minister of tourism and creative economy.

Anak Muda Dinilai Punya Peluang Bangun Ekosistem Kewirausahaan

Sandiaga Uno also said that when talking about sustainable tourism, concrete actions must be taken. One of these concrete actions is a program offer from Indonesia to turn plastic waste into a nature-based solution.

"Well, that's what we present, and we immediately show that this Purun-based straw will be our real solution to overcome environmental issues," added Sandiaga Uno.

Komitmen Sandiaga Uno Dukung Industri Kreatif Indonesia

Sandiaga Uno shows the Purun Straws

Photo :
  • Website/

Purun has the latin name, Lepironia articulata. Purun straws come from Belitung. This straw will be a nature-based tourism conservation because purun is a type of grass that has a diameter of 2-8mm, straight stems, hollow, and without leaves. 

So, it's effective to be used as a substitute for plastic straws.

There are two types of purun straws, namely fresh purun straws which last for about two days and dry purun straws which can last up to one year.

Besides being environmentally friendly because it can reduce plastic waste, these purun straws are produced in a home industry by women in Dukong Village, Tanjung Pandan. This opens up business opportunities, employment opportunities, and provides an economic impact for the local community.

"For the sake of economic revival, opening up business opportunities and job opportunities, we don’t hesitate to raise the local wisdom and culture of the community as part of innovation and adaptation in our efforts to enter the post-pandemic economic order," said Sandiaga Uno.

“Like the Purun Eco-Straw from Belitung Island which became a real action where Indonesia could be a pioneer, replace the plastic straws with straws made of grass.” Said Sandiaga Uno, reported by Instagram @Dinaslhdki

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